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Phenoxyethanol in Baby Skincare Products? A Big No!
Motherhood is the greatest and the most complex phase in every women’s life. This phase is beautiful but full of ups and downs, exhaustion, confusion, guilt, sleepless nights

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My Dyson is Giving me 9 AQI- We are getting what we deserve.
It started about 5 yrs ago. Diwali crackers and pollution… Oh, did I bore you with this first line itself? Are you thinking not again and that you should check a meme or a re

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Air Quality Index V/s Aryan Khan
It’s been 20 + days since Diwali, and the AQI shows the same alarming numbers in Delhi NCR with no signs of improvement. As a part of my 4 yr old daughter’s school assi

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Are you looking for nutritious and delicious snacks for kids? Tata Soulfull Ragi Bites Fills is the solution!
As the pandemic looms large, with no access to friends, schools, recess periods, games, play, fun, and so much more, kids are turning to snacks for comfort. Based on recent studies

Which Milk is Good for your Kids?
As a mother, you must know why drinking milk is essential for children and their nutrition. Milk makeup is an integral part of kids’ diet and nutritional needs as it provid

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5 Dental Myths Busted | Dental Facts and Myths by Dr. Kanupriya Kajaria
As a practicing dentist for over ten years, I get to hear a lot of myths revolving around dentistry and Dental procedures which have been passed on through generations. Let’s

Work , Kids , Home and Managing Time : How to do the Impossible !!
20-25 yrs of education, a corporate job, and a dream to make it big. 3-4 yrs of goal setting to achieve great height only to get married, have a baby, and then wonder what the actu

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How to Prepare for the Third Wave of the Pandemic and Keep Kids safe
It has been more than a year and a half, and the entire world relentlessly continues to battle the pandemic. For some time now, a potential third wave of the Covid-19 infection and

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Child-Led Learning – How to implement and the Benefits of it
Child-led learning is a term that is used to define education programs in which children are responsible for determining what to learn. This approach differs from a structured lear

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Breast Cancer Screening : Why and how you should regularly do it at home
Breast cancer is the most common cancer seen worldwide as well as in India. It is a type of cancer that arises from breast cells when they start increasing abnormally to the extent

Oral Care in Pregnancy and Root Canal Treatment (RCT) in Pregnancy
So we all know that eating behavior can change during Pregnancy. A lot of women tend to get a craving for sweet food and late-night snacking. Often, after these binges, oral care t

Step-by-Step Guide to Vinyasa Yoga Flow for Beginners
Yoga is a way of life that can be described as a holistic and integral science in dealing with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual and society a

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Trying to Lose Weight? This is what you can do to Lose Weight Fast !
Trying to understand losing weight can be a challenging task if you are beginning your health journey. Perhaps, you do not know how and where to start, or you have done so

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Arras – Sustainable Fashion Clothing brand, Handmade all the Way!
Arras is a sustainable clothing brand focusing on creating circular products for the fashion industry. It is rooted in the unique textile strengths of the North East Region of Indi

Kids Nutrition and Family Meal Planning in Covid Times
Are your children eating healthily? This does not necessarily imply that they eat a lot, but rather that they eat a variety of healthy meals. Are you struggling with your Kids nutr

Family , Relations and Mental Health in COVID times
The epidemic has resulted in a mental health catastrophe in the country, which specialists refer to as a psychosocial crisis. There has been a massive increase in the number of per

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Nourish Organics – Superfoods for your Kid’s Diet
“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” As any experienced mommy will be able to tell you, making sure your lil’ ones are eating the right food and staying nourished is

Montessori Education and How it can help you transform your Child’s Life
Montessori education is cautiously designed to present children opportunities to evolve their competencies. Each place is filled with appropriate determinative activities that moti

How to Treat Acid Reflux and Heartburn with simple Home Remedies
You feel that tell-tale burning sensation in your chest, and you know what is coming. Standing, sitting, or lying down – everything is uncomfortable, and you need a solution or a

PCOD and PCOS – How are they different? | Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) are hormonal disorders that have taken over the lives of many women by storm. These ailments affect approxi

How to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids
When you are a mother, it is a given that you will always have a lot on your plate; thus, it can be pretty tough to pay full attention to everything. However, even the busiest mom

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Women’s Beginner Workout plan for weight loss at Home
As we are being forced to stay indoors, thanks to the pandemic casting its dark shadows, our health and lifestyle have suffered to a considerable extent. Exercise is a must, not on

How to raise a Reader and Book Recommendations for Kids 0-6yrs
“The more you read, the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” This is a famous quote by Dr. Suess. And it is 100% accurate. The importanc

COVID 19 Vaccination for Kids, Pregnant Women & Lactating Moms-Know the update from Dr. Nihar Parekh
We are currently fighting the second mutant of the coronavirus which mostly affected youngsters. After analyzing the situation over the last several months, principal scientific ad

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How to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally ?
Pregnancy is one of the most cherished experiences in a couple’s life, provided that it is a planned one. An unwanted pregnancy may lead one to take drastic steps ahead; thus,

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Yellow Class Ramayan Series : Ultimate Guide to Ramayana for Kids
Ramayana is a well-known literary work of Indian mythology. Its greatness is known to all, not only in India but in western countries as well. It is a timeless epic that stays rele

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Most popular Teenage Lingo you should know to better understand Kids
According to Ethnologue, there are 7139 spoken languages in the world today. Each language becomes more refined when it passes on from many generations to the most current one and

Picksparrow, Pick Your Newborn’s Happiness with 100% Organic Cotton Clothing
Picksparrow is all about love, warmth, and cotton. Mothers always want their babies to be wrapped by something which makes them comfortable, gives them joy, and most importantly, c

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Skin Care tips you can’t ignore if you are over 30
How your skin looks now or how it will fare in the future isn’t a matter of your DNA! Your everyday habits are what determine how well your skin will come out each day. Every

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How To Make Raw Mango Burmese Salad For A Quick Refreshing Meal
Raw mango is the best fruit of spring as its unique tangy flavour complements the weather perfectly. Most people who taste raw mangoes once, cannot stop eating them and end up tryi

Common Signs and Symptoms of a Food Allergy in Kids and How to prevent.
Many food items give rise to specific reactions or allergies out of which most of the parents have only heard of peanuts, and it’s based on the fact that the number of toddle

How to Make Holi Colors at Home?
Holi is around the corner and excitement is running high in your family, especially the children. It’s imperative to teach them and educate them about the motive and importance o

Instant Coconut Ladoo Recipe for a Super Special Holi Celebration!
Coconut Ladoo is a rich and creamy traditional Indian dessert made with shredded coconut, cardamom, and condensed milk for a soft, satisfying coconut fudge ball. This quick and eas

How to Raise a Multi-lingual Child and the benefits of being Multi-lingual in your Childs overall Development.
In conversation with Founder @learninglingos Eshleen Jolly Born and raised in the US, Eshleen picked up Spanish as a baby along with Hindi as her parents spoke Hindi and English fr

Best 8 Barbecue Grills for outside purposes 2021
Summers are thumping on the doors, and there’s nothing supreme like feasting on a barbecue menu. Dishes stacked high with burgers, fragrant smoke blasting around the yard, lo

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7 Insta Handle you can Shop for adorable little dresses for your Baby Girl!!
Having a girl child is like having a walking Barbie doll in our house. Raising a daughter has its own perks, but we can all agree that the most fun part about it is playing dress-u

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Never Say Never Mind- Not Ignoring What’s Going In Your Mind As A New Mother
Having a baby changes your life completely. Isn’t it? It takes a 360-degree shift in your priorities, routine, outlook towards your life, hormones, relations& even body.

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It’s THAT Time of The Month – Yoga Routine to Relieve Menstrual Cramps
I come from a country (India) where talking about periods is still a taboo. But I have been very fortunate to have a family, especially the men in it to be extremely supportive and

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Raising Daughters With High Self Esteem
“A Mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinate her daughter against low self-esteem” – Naomi Wolf. A mom-and-daughter relationship is unique. A

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Simplifying the complex code called “Home-schooling.”
This pandemic brought to light an underlying and rather suppressed aspect of parenthood. ‘Homeschooling’ has been a popular and sought-after schooling avenue in the WEST for ye

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My daughter – My Most Precious Possession
Having a daughter is truly a blessing. My cutie pie, my Angel, came as a blessing in my life; she is truly a bundle of joy and makes my life beautiful. My daughter is my most preci

Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise and How to get back to shape Post-delivery and Beyond
Regular postnatal exercise can help you strengthen and tone your muscles, recover from labor if you gave birth vaginally, and increase your energy levels, so you feel less exhauste

A Simple Guide for New Moms to Understand Postpartum Depression
When a woman conceives, her main aim in life becomes to be a good mom. After you give birth, the only thing that stops you from doing your best is Postpartum Depression. Postpartum

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Cord Blood or Stem Cell Banking
What is Cord Blood Banking or Stem Cell Banking? Blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord post-delivery is termed as cord blood (short for umbilical cord blood). As a

MommyWize Live; Mom’s Perspective- In Conversation With Gayatri Nargis
Designer, Educator, Mother, and Founder GAYA a Luxe Fashion Jewellery Brand – Gayatri Nargis Trained in fashion and marketing with experience in the industry for over 10 years, G

How to Raise Happy Kids and teach them Self Love
Happy Moms Raise Happy Kids. This is one line that you would have heard very often these days. But as women we instinctively and have always put our loved ones first. This Live Ses

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What if you are not producing enough breastmilk?
Breastfeeding is a foundation for life, isn’t it? According to a survey done on 500 Indian new mothers, 22.7% of them face lactating issues in their breastfeeding journey. Dr

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coding platform for kids | Free coding course |
Coding for kids is gaining popularity these days as it not only makes them think out of the box but helps set themselves up for a tech-based future where they’d be able to so

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Engage your Kids with Popular Children’s Games From Around The World
‘Mamma! I’m bored!”, “I need new games!” How often have you heard these and been at your wit’s end as to how to entertain your children? Board games and indoor games ca

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Reading to your Baby in the Womb ? Congratulations on the head start !
We plan so much when expecting a baby- the nursery, clothes, swaddles, prams, toys, and everything that we can think of. Everyone around us advises us to think good thoughts, look

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Five Effective Homeschooling Tips For Parents
With the worldwide pandemic assuming control over the world, families are battling to sort out some way to pass through the present circumstance. This uncommon circumstance has lef

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Juvenile Diabetes- A first-hand account by a Mom and what she learnt after her son was diagnosed
What do you know about diabetes? It is a sugar-related disease that happens to people who binge on sugar and refined flour sweets and eat unhealthily. It happens to people who are

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The Second Trimester Screening: Week-by-Week Growth Chart of the Second Trimester
The journey of childbirth is truly an enlightening one. It is that passage for a woman that leads her to the door of an enigmatic and everlasting life-change which she basks in and

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Falling of Your Little One’s First Set of Teeth – A Guide to your child’s dental health
On becoming a new parent, it does seem that you are constantly trying to confirm if your little one is meeting his/her milestones on time. One of the most precious and big moments

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Barnyard Millet and Sweet Potato Cutlet
How to make Barnyard Millet and Sweet Potato Cutlet – 3 large sweet potatoes boiled and mashed 1 cup cooked barnyard millet/ samak ke chawal 8-10 cashew roughly crushed 2 g

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Sleep Regression in Babies: Causes and How To Handle?
“For the past few weeks, my baby hasn’t been following his usual sleeping routine and keeps waking up multiple times at night. Is this worrisome? What’s the reaso

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What is Surrogacy? A Complete Guide to who should opt, how to proceed and legal status in India
Surrogacy is a process or method of aided reproduction where parents opt for a gestational surrogate who carries and cares for their baby(ies) until birth. In simpler terms, surrog

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Keep a check on Kids Demands or Write a Cheque
Raghu cries before he goes to school, asking for a chocolate every day. Teena asks for an iPad and doesn’t have her lunch because her friend Reena owns one. Have you observed

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The Yin and Yang of Single Parenting
Life is short, beautiful, and what we make of it. But, above all, life is nothing but uncertain. We all seek love and stability in our lives. The beautiful ever after once we marry

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Explaining the Significance of Republic Day in Simple Terms to Your Child
As our kids grow, we realize that we need to take the time and effort to provide explanations and details on various topics as they get more inquisitive and look for answers to the

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Intermittent fasting . Now you Do, Now you Don’t !
Intermittent fasting is not a new concept for us; we all do it subconsciously. There must be many times when you are feeling extremely stressed or strained and lose appetite, in du

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A New Chapter In Childcare: Virtual Babysitting
Time and tide wait for no man. Geoffrey Chaucer’s brutal yet realistic conclusion of time’s importance has been in force for eons now. Still, the COVID-19 pandemic has

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The Numero ‘UNO’ Diaper Brand In India – SuperBottoms
For a newborn, a mother always looks to wrap something safe and sound around her baby’s skin, which would give the baby a feeling of warmth and comfort, a feeling similar to alwa

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What’s cooking, Ask the Kids! Cooking with Kids and 5 Reasons why you should do it
There are a lot of options when it comes to keeping your kids engaged with fun activities at home. But what if we tell you that one particular option will make your kids eat better

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The How, What, When- Everything you Should Know about Ovulation
What is Ovulation? If you remember your 8th-grade Biology classes, you will remember that Ovulation is described as the release of an egg during menstruation in females. The releas

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Bloat no more with Natural and Simple Home Remedies!
Bloating is something almost every woman suffers from, but none of us want to talk about it. It is one of the most common digestive issues and can cause a lot of pain and discomfor

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How to ensure the safety of breastmilk and infant formulas?
Do you want to know how you can breastfeed your baby safe when you are not around? Are you a new mother who is clueless about the safe preparation and handling of infant formula? D

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Post-Natal Massage- Your Pathway to Health
A post-natal massage is a massage meant for women after their delivery. It is a full-body massage and is meant to give the new mother relief after months of carrying another life a

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How to beautify your cozy balcony !
The cozy balcony is the ultimate amenity for any home. In Indian households, balconies get usually used as a space for drying out washed clothes, a graveyard for dead plants, or du

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Exercises to train for Labor and Delivery !
For a woman, embracing motherhood and delivering a child can be a turning moment in her life. It’s a surreal feeling that we women procreate life within ourselves and keep the pl

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Pregnancy Anxiety: Know how to overcome it !
Regardless of whether it’s your first-time pregnancy or adding another member to your family, the nine months of pregnancy can accommodate a wide range of skepticism. You may

Montessori Method- Setting and Decoration of Baby’s Nursery.
Build a happy space for your baby! The Montessori Method has been around for almost a hundred years. It was started in the late 1800s by the first female Italian doctor Maria Monte

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Karan’s ‘Little Luv’ With A Big Message
We have all known Karan Johar as the famous producer and director who has given the cinema-loving Indian audience many hit movies since the nineties and still continues to deliver

Make Home Based Natural Fertilizers from Kitchen Scraps for a cleaner and greener Home
Being outside in the sunshine and fresh air is a great way to de-stress and lift up your mood. Gardening is one such activity that is not only a great exercise but has also proven

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Positive Reinforcement for Kids and How it help your Child
How to deal with a kid’s conduct? Is continuous hollering to get down on their mischief still the best option? Is it true that you are frequently losing your temper and feel

Bedwetting in Kids – Symptoms, Causes and What you should do
Bedwetting, also termed as nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence, is unintentional urination while asleep, at an age where staying dry at night should be the norm. Wet pajam

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Top Decor & Souvenir options to buy for Christmas
Hanging lights and sparkle, flinging merry bobbles around, and draping decorations on a tall and rich green tree are respected conventions a considerable lot of us convey year-to-y

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Twinkle’s Dabba of Culinary Delight!
Successful author, entrepreneur, columnist, and mother of two, Mrs. Funnybones, aka Twinkle Khanna, is always active on social media displaying her quirky yet witty humor and human

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Caravan Trips Are India’s New Safe Travel Trend!
Have you ever fantasized about traveling through the jungles, mountains, and deserts without ever leaving your home? There isn’t a better time than now if you did and want to

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Goa: Best Domestic Travel destination for holiday in 2020
Goa is the all-time best tourist destination; it doesn’t matter how many times you have visited Goa, this small beautiful beach state has some new experience to offer every time

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The Art of Balancing Work, Personal and Family Life
If you’re that woman whose platter is full of her full-time job, personal life, social life, and family life, and you seem to always be art of balancing, then this is for you

super easy – Lifestyle Brand with handcrafted Lifestyle Products
The north-eastern region of India can be regarded as the cultural capital of the country. From the vibrant culture to the breathtaking landscape to the fantastic handicrafts, this

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Food Safety and your Kids: Everything you need to Know
On a Sunday afternoon, on her husband’s demand, there was Dal Tadka and Bhuna Chicken on making. The aroma was all over the house, which made everyone hungry sooner than any

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Banana Bonda – Healthy Recipe for Kids
Ingredients 2 cups wholewheat flour 2 1/2 overripe bananas- mashed 3/4 cup jaggery 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 tsp baking soda 1 tbsp chopped nuts- cashews, almonds,raisins 1/2 tsp cardmom po

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Dolling up for this Wedding Season!
A Big Fat Indian Wedding is no less than a festival! What makes Indian weddings so much fun? All the relatives, the food, the dancing, and the dressing up part, for sure! But t

Brand Tales: Slurrp Away on Taste & Health…With Slurrp Farms
Over the years, we have known kids to traditionally have the ‘sweet tooth,’ but nowadays, they also have the ‘burger tooth,’ ‘fries’ tooth’

Baby Massage – Benefits, Best Oils, and Tips for a Great Massage
Statistics state that infants who experience a gentle routine stroke exhibit 50% better eye contact and thrice the positive expressions than those deprived of it. This is based on

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Simple tips for Mompreneurs to make their Brand stand out on Social Media!
Have you set up a new business venture or planning to start one soon and are facing this problem of not being able to reach out to new consumers? You might already know this, but t

Back-to-Back Pregnancies- Is it Worth the Risk?
Back-to-back pregnancies are those where your children are born less than 18 months apart from each other. Sometimes, it is a planned pregnancy, and sometimes it may be an accident

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5 Simple Breakfast Recipes for Children
Mornings are such a hectic time, and so much needs to be done. You need to plan the entire day, pack lunch, go for work, look after your kid’s schedule, etc. and the list is

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How not to burn a hole in your pocket this Holiday Season
Everybody needs a little break from their everyday routine to submerge themselves in new sights, whistles, tastes, and scents. In such a case, is there anything better suitable tha

Mathematics Card tricks to make your Kids learn!!
Card games are fun, easy, and require no preparation! Suitable for all age groups, these games can help basic counting and go all the way up to multiplication! Try these simple car

Milk Mantra: Which is better for your Baby- Cow Milk or Buffalo Milk?
With so many options available today, something as simple as choosing milk for your baby can be such a confusing and complicated decision. After your baby turns 1, cow or buffalo m

7 Easy Steps to making your House Diwali Ready
Diwali is a joyous occasion- it’s probably the only time your family comes together full circle, the rooms are lit up, and decoration is everywhere. Firecrackers are bursting

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Pull Apart Cheesy Garlic Bread
This Garlic Crack Bread is EPIC! It’s basically a garlic bread, but so much more fun AND delicious! You can add Cheese to this bread and create a Cheesy yummy version of the same

DIY Natural Hand Sanitizers and Soaps
As parents, we never stop stressing over the importance of washing hands to our children. If we do not have access to soap and water (especially when we are on the go), sanitizers

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Connect Kids with true meaning of Diwali Traditions and Celebrations
In today’s changing times, the significance of festivals has also changed. Now festivities are about buying new clothes, gorging on delicacies while getting an Instagram wort

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Whole Wheat Carrot and Cranberry Cake
Ingredients 2 cups wholewheat flour 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsp baking powder 3/4 cup powdered brown sugar 3/4 cup powdered white sugar 4 eggs 1 tbsp orange juice 3 tbsp orange zest 1

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Orchard in my House: Grow Your HEALTH and HAPPINESS and eat it too
Ahh! The joy you get when you witness that first tiny leaf growing out of your kitchen pot.! It is so heart-warming! A vein of happiness tends to spiral inside your heart once you

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Have You Seen The Show ‘9 Months’ Yet?
First Post’s much-revered web series ‘9 Months’ is up for Season 5, with Maria Goretti signing up to be the show’s host for a second time. Unlike the previo

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Live Astronomy and Space Program for Kids
Founded on 12th October 2012, SDRO, aka Scientific Development Research Organization’s primary goal is to nurture the young minds that are filled with trinkets about space an

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Selling Homemade Cakes or Other Food items Without having a License or Registration? Beware!
Are you selling homemade cakes or other food items without having a license or registration? Beware! Although this COVID-19 induced pandemic has severely impacted almost every we

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ShowCase Events – Journey of Nanni Singh to build a platform to empower Musicians
Showcase Events was created to make India’s rich folk heritage available to an urban audience, a segment that always seems to be short on time. Trained in Hindustani classical mu

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Immunity, the New Normal: 10 Immunity Boosting Foods that you should include in Routine
Immunity- This is the word we have heard all our lives, but in this pandemic situation, it becomes an essential topic for all. When the whole world faces this epidemic, “The

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Top Kids STEM toys and Activity Boxes for 4-7-Year-Old Kids
Kids provide us moments of joy, but it is incredibly hard to keep them engaged all the time. Handling kids is not a cakewalk, and during COVID, when everyone is trapped indoors, it

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Amala – Keeping It Simple and Natural
The chemicals that we apply to our skin have more adverse effects on us than we think. All mundane products that we use daily, like soap, shampoo, cream, and face wash, are dosed w

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“So, what do you do?”
“So, what do you do?” This question shook the once hard-working, focused, and determined woman inside me. I was walking my 2.5-year-old daughter in the park. We were playing wi

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8 Celebrity Moms in ‘Real-life Mom’ Role and their take on Parenting
Actresses in B-Town have always portrayed the essence of being a mother seamlessly on the silver screen. But when it comes to being a Real-life mom it is no movie-set! These tinkle

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Latest Diwali Gifting Ideas for Diwali 2020
Diwali is the most awaited annual festivals in India. It is a season of lights, crackers, sweets, and, most importantly, hope and happiness. It marks the victory of good over evil,

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No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake
Ingredients for Strawberry Cheesecake Base 20 digestive biscuits 4-5 tbsp melted butter Cheesecake: 500 gm cream 3/4 cup powdered sugar 180 grams cream cheese or 5 level tbsp Brita

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The 12 Commandments of Being a Woman -By Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, latest book to look out for
A woman’s identity is born out of her own self. Some of them might take it a bit longer than others to identify themselves and their worth. But finding these two is very impo

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Best Fertility Food While Trying to Get Pregnant
When you finally plan a family and decide that you want to get pregnant, you want everything to go smoothly and quickly and without being cumbersome. But when it comes to conceivin

Pregnant? You May Want To Eat More Fish To Boost Your Baby’s IQ
Parents always want their children to blossom into smart, intelligent, and wise individuals to sail smoothly through life uncertainties once they grow up. Parents want their childr

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Co-Work and Co-Play: Managing Work from Home in COVID
With the onset of COVID-19, the worldwide lockdown had forced us all to stay home. It was like a pause button, but work was still going on courtesy to the technological advancement

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Cool games for Superhero Theme Birthday Party to have a blast at your Kid’s party!
It’s a daunting task to entertain a fun-crazed group of toddlers at your kid’s birthday bash as it doesn’t matter how well you spend on the party’s decor an

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Keeping Calm when your baby is ill but cannot convey
Love is all about the feeling that makes it difficult for you to breathe if your loved one is in pain or suffering from some distress. And when talking about love, you experienced

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5 Modern Gadgets to Invest in for the Safety of Your Kids
The safety of our children is always on our minds. We will go to any lengths to protect them from all the dangers of the world. And when our children are not with us, we worry abou

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Pancakes can be Healthy Too!
Pancakes are a popular favorite with every child and many adults too. If given the option, children can have them for breakfast, dinner, and even as a snack. While it can be a grea

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Time to get Back to Work, Mommies-Some tips on how to Manage work with your Baby
Spending all day in your pajamas, sleepless nights, organizing and managing everything, no personal time, no late-night binging shows, no cute date nights with your partner. This p

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Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancy – How Much is too Much
Pregnancy is undoubtedly the most beautiful journey that a woman embarks on. It seems surreal that the female body can nurture a tiny human being that grows into a beautiful, healt

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Baby Growth Milestones and Common Signs of Delay in Baby Growth
From holding your little angel in your arms for the first time to hearing the first ‘mama,’ parenting is a journey full of emotions and joy. The newborn grows at a rapi

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The Celebrity Influence on Fashion
Celebrities are everyone’s role models. We want to know where they are, what they do, and who they are with. Their lives are the topics of conversations of the common man. As suc

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How To Lose A Postpartum Belly?
The female body goes through significant changes to grow and give birth to a baby. It takes time for the body and the belly, in particular, to recover from pregnancy. One must unde

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The Next Baby: Now Vs Later
Do you remember the first time when your newborn baby held your finger, and his hands felt like a little ball of cotton, the first time he opened his eyes and looked at you with su

Easy-Peasy 2 Ingredient Recipes
Some people love being in the kitchen and whipping up elaborate delicacies at the drop of a hat. They love searching and collecting ingredients and having a well-stocked pantry. Th

Inclusive Children inherit a better World – Let’s Raise Inclusive Children
We often conceive childhood as a time that is associated with innocence, freedom, and unhindered joy. However, when we reflect upon actual lived experiences as children, many of us

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Detached Fathers Raise Bullies – Father’s Role in Kids Development
“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person; he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano Anyone can father a child, but to become a dad takes a li

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Best Kids Clothing Brands in India
Whether it’s for your kids or someone else, one thing that most of you adore must be shopping for their clothes but believe me, how easy it was earlier is equally stressful n

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Nutritious Foods you should eat after Child Birth.
After your delivery, it is natural to focus attention on your newborn. In the months after childbirth, most new moms need between 1,800 and 2,200 calories each day. What you eat af

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A Fine Story- A Story Unfolding
The recently launched brand A Fine Story, was born out of the love for handmade luxury, beauty, and all things Artisanal yet Contemporary. The brand’s style ideology is prima

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Importance of Teacher
“Though you always wrote on black with white, you brought color in my life!” Teachers build character, caliber, and mindset of individuals. They shoulder the problemati

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Rajkumari Amrit Kaur: Kapurthala Princess Who Established AIIMS
In the past few months, when India and the entire world has been clutched by the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of the country’s apex medical body has been highlighted time and

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Wabi Sabi – The Love story By Priyanka Aggarwal
We live in a time period where the use of filters, editing, and photoshop thrives; space where health and beauty are often used as synonyms, and finally a world that wants eternal

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The Journey of Bonheur By Megha Saxena
Compelling circumstances sometimes take us away from your dreams. Not just me, a lot of women would have the same story. I too had to leave my job with Oracle due to impending moth

Learning Disabilities in Kids
Learning disability (or LD) was first identified in the 1950s and 1960s when it came to the notice that children with common intellectual skills displayed certain limitations while

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How to Fight The Nursery Admission Demon
Nursery admission is every parent’s worst nightmare come true. After your child’s birth, everything you do is to prepare yourself and your bundle of joy for the inevita

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Healing after Conflict with your Partner
“You have changed a lot! You weren’t like this before!” “Why do you have to make a big deal out of everything?!” “How many times do we fight over this??? It’s

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Delicious Indian Food Recipes for 1-year-old
At one year of age, your little one is ready to explore new food items. If your kid has been weaned well between 6 months and 1 year of age, so now is the time to diversify the f

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A-dress your age – Simple guide to Age appropriate dressing
What exactly is ‘age-appropriate clothing’? It is nothing but a misunderstood societal construct that has been enforced upon us. We are looking at this in the wrong way. No one

Stylish storage solutions for Kids’ Books & Toys
Kids not only bring joy to the household, but they are also the harbingers of toys, books, and other much-needed accessories. With this new wave of things, every new parent needs t

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10 Life lesson that Every Mom should Teach their Kids
Ah! the joy of raising your very own flesh and blood! It is a feeling unparalleled to any other feeling experienced by a mother! Right from listening to a heartbeat in the womb for

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10 Key Foods to Make your Baby Smarter & Sharper
We all want our babies to be smart and sharp. We want them to be intelligent so that they can do well in life. It is the early years when the baby’s brain is rapidly developi

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9 Easily Available Foods that can help increase your feed
For most women, breastfeeding is an integral part of motherhood. Breast-feeding is a way of bonding with the baby, so it can get quite frustrating for both the mother and the child

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Too busy to Care for Your Skin?
These products and tricks will shorten your skin routine! Skincare is an important part of self-care. Being a woman is a full-time job in itself, and above that, we are mothers, en

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Tips on how to dress up Super cute during Pregnancy!
Happy, wholesome, ecstatic, blissful, elated, etc. These words are not enough to describe the feeling of being pregnant. Don’t we all agree, ladies? But, after getting the “

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8 Skin Ingredient Dermatologists Want You to Avoid
Isn’t there something ecstatic about buying and trying out new beauty products? There is an ocean of brands offering us different products with absolutely amazing prices! And of

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The Importance Of Touch for Babies
Ever noticed how a weeping baby calms down as soon as he is picked up by his mother? During the first half of the 20th century, a lot of therapists opined that displaying affection

10 Simple and Innovative Ways to Build a Sustainable Living House
Humanity has progressed leaps and bounds; we have reached the zenith of advancement in all walks of life which are far beyond imagination. From creating towering living spaces to a

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Screen time and Scream Time
As a kid, I was always energetic and active. My fondest memories include all the times in the playground, messing around in the sandbox, and playing ball with my friends. Being the

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Reading- Learning & Loving Combined in One
Reading is one of the most fun and constructive hobbies. Besides keeping one gainfully occupied, reading is also an excellent way to gain some knowledge and expand your horizons. B

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Prioritize and Simplify Your Life
“Good morning Mrs. Sharma, how is little Abhi doing today?” “Good morning Mrs. Verma, Abhi is doing fine, and he scored full marks in his Math exam! “Wow, that is great

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How to Host the Perfect 1st Birthday Party for Your Child
Finally, it’s time for your baby’s first birthday! And what better way to commemorate this occasion than a birthday party, of course! Your toddler’s first birthda

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How Music Affects Your Baby’s Brain Development
You may have come across the term ‘Mozart Effect,’ which was coined in 1991 and is the belief that if children or even babies tune in to classical compositions by Mozar

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New Horizon: Micro Schools and Learning Pods
Innovation and change have been the hallmark of human progress from age-old times. There has always been a sense of urgency borne out of circumstantial developments, driving the ne

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Getting your Kids to Playing Sports and being a Sport
Being a parent, I can vouch for the fact that sports are an integral part of a child’s overall development. But then one doesn’t need to be a parent to realize it. Is t

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Parenthood: The Beginning
Parenthood is a unique experience besot with joy, ecstasy, learning, and a fair deal of challenges thrown at you when one least expects. When my wife and I decided to tread the pat

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My Life, My Baby – Story of Indian Motherhood
“I’m doing an exceptional job at being a mom. I’m always open to knowledge and advice to make myself better but I won’t believe the people who try to put me down.” Let’

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10 Life Changes post delivering a Baby that no one talks about
While there are a plethora of books to read from and unwanted advise flowing in, there are certain life changes post a baby that no one ever tells you about!

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Connect More. Correct Less
When I embarked on the journey of parenthood, little did I know about parenting, honestly!! Forget about; tiger or dolphin parenting, authoritative or permissive, all I was equippe

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Dear Mom, be nice to the women in you!
Seven years post-marriage, and after having our second child, my husband was convinced I had a severe Irritable Bowl Syndrome issue with concern to the amount of time I spent in th

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Home, Family, Work , Kids and Anxiety in the times of COVID
My brother gifted me a swanky bike for my birthday. It was a gesture to stay young at heart, reminiscent of my love for cycling as a little girl. The next morning along with my coo

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Unique Beauty Gadgets That Help Make Your Skin Flawless And Glowing
As many have said, skincare is a form of self-care. We spend a lot of our time, money, and efforts pampering our skin so that it looks young and flawless. It really goes without sa

The Nursery : An Abode of happiness – How to Choose an Ideal Nursery
All right, so you are expecting a new member in your family, or you have already had her, and now your major concern is to create an apt and a well-built nursery for her, which is

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Yogshala for Mom’s to Be – Importance of Prenatal Yoga
Yoga has been one of the most dynamic and essential gifts that India has provided to the world at large. The regular practice of Yoga during pregnancy can instill a whole new dimen

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Why Do Kids Say No So Much and How to handle it!
As babies figure out how to talk, it’s difficult to dodge the “no” stage. Guardians of babies regularly yearn for their young ones to start talking and explaining

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Toddlers wants to help and we should let them
“Beta, go back and eat your cookie and relax; I will put the clothes in the washing machine,” said Meena seeing her 5-year-old kid attempting to copy and help in what she w

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Clever tricks to keep your child entertained in COVID Season
2020 Quarantine season has brought us many unexpected turns. From navigating the wearing of face-masks in public, all the way to having to work from home without the human contact

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Six Ways to ensure Healthy Meals for your Family
Managing a home is a 24-hour job, and when the lady of the house is working, she is practically managing a 48-hour job in just one day. While she is constantly juggling to balance

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Nutrition for 9 months – Lifetime of Happiness
Planned and, at times, unplanned pregnancies are some of the most cherished moments in human life. Getting to know that you are going to be a mother in a few months changes everyth

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The Journey is the Reward; Motherhood is not a Competition.
With the advent of social media and technology, we have access to all the information we need; about literally everything. While this kind of easy access may be beneficial for us,

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Know to No – Saying No to Kids and Actually Mean It
“Beta, TV time is over; it is time for dinner, common, switch it off.” “I want to see cartoons now, dinner later!” said Abhi, engrossed in watching TV. “Beta,

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9 DVD’s to choose from for the next screening of kids Movie Time
Is it true that you are searching for the best movies for your kids? If indeed, read ahead. The facts confirm that kids ought not to be presented entirely to electronic screens at

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Hair, There Everywhere – Post Pregnancy Hair Loss Home Remedies
Have you Confronted the Below Issue Post-Pregnancy? “It began three months after my labor that my hairs began dropping out all over the place – towels, restroom aisles,

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Bouncing back with Yoga! Postpartum Yoga; A Long-Lasting Gift You Can Give Yourself!
Delivering a baby can be grueling, demanding, exhaustive, and can take a toll on the mother’s body. During the pregnancy, the mother’s body works round the clock to mak

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Top 5 Augmented Reality Toys & Kits In 2021
Today, augmented reality has become a need of great importance. It offers life to components in the virtual world and enables your children to see, feel, and hear them. This trends

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What are Probiotics and Why are they important for Children?
Probiotics are simply bacteria we consume that benefit our gastrointestinal tract, also known as our gut. Probiotics are the next revolution when it comes to health. Why is that? T

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5 Ways to Improve your Child’s Immunity
A child getting sick is any mum’s nightmare. Kids are the first ones to get attacked by changing weather conditions. Children under the age of 5 years are the ones falling il

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Top 6 Kids Furniture Brands In India
Kids share a superior bonding with their belongings that leaves everlasting memories full of innocent pleasure and fun. One of these memories resides with their furnishings. Yes, y

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10 Cartoons for Developing Language skills in Kids
Language is the mode of expression that all living beings use. There is no particular time at which the kids learn to speak. Even before saying their first word, A child might spen

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Learning to Play with Your Baby – All You Need to Know
While gearing up for parenting and caring for your lovely little one, you may have already realized that playtime is very special. As is wisely said by Mister Rogers, “Play is of

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Why Are Cognitive Skills Important For Children?
Cognitive skills include the capability to think, reflect, explore, perceive, and understand. For our kids, cognitive skill set development is the growth of knowledge, understandin

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Toilet Training: When kids are ready and some handy tips to make the easy
Newborns and nappies share a special bonding. However, getting used to the nappies is what no one commends. Being toilet trained develops your child’s independence and increases

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Tips to Timeless, Ageless Style
Trends change. Your body changes. In the world of fashion, the only thing possible constant is the confidence that you can wear. Other than that, everything is constantly changing.

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Take the Cue – EQ vs IQ
“I heard about the full marks in the Vedic Maths paper Raman scored this semester! Congratulations, Seema!” remarked Tanvi. “Thank you Tanvi, he does have a knack for Mat

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Signs That Your Baby Is Ready To Walk Plus How To Encourage Him
One can barely be patient to witness their little munchkin take their first steps. After all, it is not only a big deal but also a significant milestone in a baby’s developme

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Keep These Tips in Mind To Shield Your Newborn From COVID-19
Literally, the year 2020 and 2021 will be remembered as the most aggravating years with everything getting a bashing in the hands of coronavirus. From consulting the pediatrician

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Jackfruit- The Forbidden Fruit
Breast-feeding is considered to be an essential part of motherhood. It is a bonding exercise between the baby and the mother. But along with breastfeeding come to a lot of restrict

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How to improve concentration in kids?
“My child won’t sit in one place.” Trying to get our kids to pay attention; is something almost every parent struggle with. We are worried that our child is not f

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Holistic fitness during the Pandemic and Beyond
In these pandemic-struck times, people are focused on trying to enhance their health and fitness. It has become obvious that to fight this virus; one needs to be healthy and strong

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Fashion 101 for Soon-To-Be-Moms
Motherhood is a wonderful time. But if you ask someone going through the phase before being a mother and holding her newborn in her hand, she would be a bundle of emotions. The bod

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Essential Guide to Learning formats in Indian Preschool
Humanity has advanced in every aspect of life, and the core reason behind this evolution is the continuous improvement of learning systems for people of all ages, schooling systems

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Cyber Bullying: The Newest Challenge in Digital Parenting
Cyber bullying is a matter of utmost concern in this digital age, where our children are growing and thriving. Tools and technologies are like second nature to them. Challenges and

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Eight Reasons Why Children Should Learn to Code
As adults, our fears hold us back from learning – the fear of failure, the fear of looking stupid, the fear of not measuring up to expectations, the fear of making mistakes. Chil

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Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is a condition where the actual weight of the child is particularly more than the ideal range of weight, height, and age. In the modern, tech-savvy world, childho

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Child abuse and Neglect : How to spot the sign and make a difference
While child abuse is regularly associated with an activity, there are ample instances of inaction that cause hurt, such as neglect. Usually, families having members under the ill e

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Leaving your little one behind is not at all Easy!
Leaving your little one behind is not at all easy, and it’s incredibly brutal if he screeches and holds on to you whenever you try to leave. But separation anxiety is a stand

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Baby Colic
“One day, a few weeks later, she erupted in prolonged, ear-shattering wails, complete with clenched fists, flailing legs, and an unhappy red face. I tried everything to stop

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Homeschooling, Road Schooling and Unschooling
The idea of homeschooling was rapidly growing in India even before the impact of the pandemic. Living in a pandemic where our children can’t go to school has piqued curiosity abo

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5 Skincare Products That Are Best for Your Baby’s Delicate Skin
Hey mommies! Do you have a habit to always read the back of product labels to know the ingredients used before purchasing products? Well, if you don’t, this practice is one y

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5 Effective Home Remedies for Cold/Flu in Kids
Amid the current global pandemic, we all have become growingly concerned for our and our family’s health. This concern elevates if there are children in your household. Did you k

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Significance of unstructured play in kids
“Play is a kid’s first occupation.” In today’s culture, parents’ quest to pave their child’s path to success often makes them schedule their day

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Japanese Water Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness
The Japanese are well known for their healthy lifestyle. They have so many hacks and methods to lead a healthier lifestyle, and they clearly work as Japan is one of the healthiest

Home Plants-The Indoor ferns and petals
In cities, our lives severely lack the serenity and peaceful support of nature. Nature commonly suffer from an existential crisis in metropolitan cities. Now, if you are a nature s

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How to prepare Toddlers for Kindergarten
I remember my initial days of school when sending the kids to playschool wasn’t really a thing, and it was a grave topic of discussion in a middle-class family as to why do w

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Starting with Semi solids food : how to check test readiness in babies
Food and nutrition is the most basic necessity for any living being. For some, food is just a mode of nutrition, while for others, food is life, and for your baby, food means prope

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Done Right, Internet Use Can Increase Learning And Skills
• The term ‘surfing’ was coined in 1992 by New York librarian, Jean Armour Polly. • 49% of internet users are from Asia. China topped the list with 854 million users, fol

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Detox Naturally–10 Ways to Cleanse Your Body
The majority of us aren’t wary of what we put in our bodies. Of course, our body has a mechanism already set up for cleansing and detoxification purposes. But if we keep on addin

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Augmented Reality-Based Learning in 2021
The conventional methods of education we probably are aware of are turning into a relic of past times. With time, they are getting progressively digitized and being driven by the r

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Small Appetites and other ‘Weight’ Issues: How to increase your Child’s appetite
One thing that is common with all moms is their worry about their child’s appetite and whether he/ she is eating enough. Since the day the child is born, a mother is constant

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5 Ayurvedic Tips to Rejuvenate your kid’s Body, Mind, and Soul
The term Ayurveda translates from the two terms Ayur meaning “life” and Veda meaning “science,”, together known as ” life-science,” a natural li

Awaken the Genius in your Child with Left Brain and Right Brain Development
The joy and stress of lives – our children come in all types. Some kids grow up to be good athletes, some good musicians, some may be great at writing, you never really know what