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Breast Cancer Screening : Why and how you should regularly do it at home
Breast cancer is the most common cancer seen worldwide as well as in India. It is a type of cancer that arises from breast cells when they start increasing abnormally to the extent

Step-by-Step Guide to Vinyasa Yoga Flow for Beginners
Yoga is a way of life that can be described as a holistic and integral science in dealing with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual and society a

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Trying to Lose Weight? This is what you can do to Lose Weight Fast !
Trying to understand losing weight can be a challenging task if you are beginning your health journey. Perhaps, you do not know how and where to start, or you have done so

How to Treat Acid Reflux and Heartburn with simple Home Remedies
You feel that tell-tale burning sensation in your chest, and you know what is coming. Standing, sitting, or lying down – everything is uncomfortable, and you need a solution or a

PCOD and PCOS – How are they different? | Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) are hormonal disorders that have taken over the lives of many women by storm. These ailments affect approxi

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Benefits and Potential Risks of Tart Cherry Juice
Have you heard about the benefits of tart cherries? Read on to understand how beneficial tart cherries are and if you should consider adding them to your diet. If you have never ta

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Women’s Beginner Workout plan for weight loss at Home
As we are being forced to stay indoors, thanks to the pandemic casting its dark shadows, our health and lifestyle have suffered to a considerable extent. Exercise is a must, not on

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It’s THAT Time of The Month – Yoga Routine to Relieve Menstrual Cramps
I come from a country (India) where talking about periods is still a taboo. But I have been very fortunate to have a family, especially the men in it to be extremely supportive and

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Eight Fitness Gears you should have at home for your daily Workouts
Kids, hefty gym membership fees, fitness clubs, day-to-day household errands, and several other genuine reasons may prompt you to continue to advise yourself there’s simply n

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Intermittent fasting . Now you Do, Now you Don’t !
Intermittent fasting is not a new concept for us; we all do it subconsciously. There must be many times when you are feeling extremely stressed or strained and lose appetite, in du

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Bloat no more with Natural and Simple Home Remedies!
Bloating is something almost every woman suffers from, but none of us want to talk about it. It is one of the most common digestive issues and can cause a lot of pain and discomfor

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10 Common Mistakes related to Health and Fitness
Has it ever happened that you have been continuously following a strict diet, but you don’t lose any weight? Or Are you feeling frustrated that you are still at the same weig

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Orchard in my House: Grow Your HEALTH and HAPPINESS and eat it too
Ahh! The joy you get when you witness that first tiny leaf growing out of your kitchen pot.! It is so heart-warming! A vein of happiness tends to spiral inside your heart once you

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Immunity, the New Normal: 10 Immunity Boosting Foods that you should include in Routine
Immunity- This is the word we have heard all our lives, but in this pandemic situation, it becomes an essential topic for all. When the whole world faces this epidemic, “The

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Breast Cancer : Symptoms, Stages, Treatments and Prevention
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer occurring in women, which causes the most number of cancer-related deaths among women. As per data from WHO, breast cancer impacts 2

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Six Ways to ensure Healthy Meals for your Family
Managing a home is a 24-hour job, and when the lady of the house is working, she is practically managing a 48-hour job in just one day. While she is constantly juggling to balance

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Holistic fitness during the Pandemic and Beyond
In these pandemic-struck times, people are focused on trying to enhance their health and fitness. It has become obvious that to fight this virus; one needs to be healthy and strong

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Japanese Water Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness
The Japanese are well known for their healthy lifestyle. They have so many hacks and methods to lead a healthier lifestyle, and they clearly work as Japan is one of the healthiest

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Detox Naturally–10 Ways to Cleanse Your Body
The majority of us aren’t wary of what we put in our bodies. Of course, our body has a mechanism already set up for cleansing and detoxification purposes. But if we keep on addin