How to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally ?

super easy
Pregnancy is one of the most cherished experiences in a couple’s life, provided that it is a planned one. An unwanted pregnancy may lead one to take drastic steps ahead; thus, it is essential to plan and be aware of the natural ways and safe days to avoid pregnancy while having unprotected intercourse.
There are various natural ways to prevent pregnancy – if you look at a natural birth control method. You should be aware of the options and the drawbacks associated with each of the options. Keep in mind that your partner will need to be on board while you both understand and select the best option for you as a couple. Natural birth control methods are cost-effective, do not need health-care visits, and avoid medications and procedures.
Do note that None of the methods explained in this article are full-proof methods to avoid pregnancy. There is always a chance that you still might end up getting pregnant.
Fertility Awareness
These methods to avoid pregnancy depend on your own body – no meds or devices. The plans are safe and effective when used correctly, but it is still hard to do.
So basically, all you have to do is predict the days of the month you would most likely get pregnant on and skip intercourse on those days. It does sound quite simple, but it is not always easy to identify your fertile days. And if your cycle is irregular, then it is much better to adopt a different strategy. We have curated the best natural methods on how to avoid pregnancy.
Rhythm Method This approach requires a lot of homework, and it is not that simple. First, you are required to track your menstrual cycle for six to twelve months before you start practicing unprotected intercourse. Using this information, you then have to calculate the days you will be fertile.
The following formula is used to track your fertile days:
- Subtract 18 from the number of days during your shortest menstrual cycle.
- Count those many days after you begin your period. That will be your first fertile day.
- Subtract 11 from the number of days during your most extended menstrual cycle.
- Count those many days from the start of your period. It will give you your last fertile day.
- Avoid intercourse during your fertile days.
There are various apps available to calculate this; however, you need to be good at tracking for this method to work.
Note: Medical conditions such as eating disorders, thyroid disease, excessive weight gain or loss, strenuous exercise, and so on can also lead to your menstrual cycles becoming irregular.
- Standard Days Method (SDM)
SDM is similar to the rhythm method but much more straightforward. It fixes the same days (days 8 through 19) as the fertile time for all women; thus, this method is easier to follow. You can also use a calendar, an app, or a color-coded set of beads to track your cycle. This method works best if your menstrual cycle is more than 26 days or less than 32 days.
- Cervical Mucus Method
This approach involves examining your cervical mucus at specific points during your menstrual cycle.
The cervical mucus is a lot more when you are ovulating and a lot less right after your period. You can also observe changes in its color or texture through your cycle. These clues help you find out if you are ovulating.
During your fertile days, the cervical mucus is clear and stretchy, just like egg whites. You can use your fingers or tissue to check your cervical mucus. It is best to have a chart to examine the mucus pattern from one cycle to another – and then you know when to avoid intercourse.
- Body Temperature Method
Another method to find out if you are fertile is to keep a note of your daily body temperature. To do this, use a device called a basal body temperature thermometer to check your temperature every day at the same time. While you are ovulating, your temperature may go up to almost 1 degree F. You should also pay attention to other symptoms, such as backaches, bloating, sore breasts.
However, you can never know precisely when you ovulate using this method. Also, there are various other factors such as fever, stress, drinking alcoholic beverages the night before, jetlag, and so on that may affect your basal body temperature. Thus, this is not the most guaranteed method to use.
- Withdrawal Method
One way to prevent pregnancy is by not giving a chance to the sperms to meet with the egg. This method is also termed as pulling out, where the man needs to pull his penis out of his partner’s vagina before ejaculation.
- Breastfeeding
This approach may work only for the first six months post-delivery and only if you have not had your period yet and exclusively breastfeed your baby – no bottles and no formula at all. You need to nurse at least every 4 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night. (Pumping does not count!). It prevents your body from releasing an egg.
- Herbal Birth Control
Some herbs are advertised as ways to prevent pregnancy. However, there is not a lot of research to back up such claims. Some of these herbs are:
- Castor bean
- Neem
- Gossypol (for men)
- Evodia
- Thunder God Vine (for men)
- Wild carrot (Queen Anne’s lace)
These herbs help by:
- Preventing your body from releasing an egg.
- Preventing the sperms from fertilizing the egg.
- Blocking the fertilized egg from attaching itself to the womb
Always consult with your doctor before you begin to consume any of these herbs as natural birth control.
FAQs Related to Natural Birth Control
- How effective are natural birth control methods?
Natural birth control methods are usually 76 percent effective.
- What are the advantages of practicing natural birth control?
Natural birth control is inexpensive or also free and does not involve drugs pre-medical procedures.
- What are the disadvantages associated with practicing natural birth control?
Following are some of the disadvantages of practicing natural birth control:
- There is no STD protection offered.
- One has to keep proper track of the menstrual cycle.
- Limited spontaneity
- The effectivity rate is relatively low
- Can natural birth control lead to any side effects?
Natural birth control methods generally do not lead to any side effects until and unless you consume something you may be allergic to.
- How long can I continue practicing natural birth control?
You can practice natural birth control methods for as long as you are comfortable. However, you must understand that natural birth control methods are not 100 percent guaranteed.
- How to avoid pregnancy after one month?
Some fruits such as papaya, cinnamon, dried figs, and fruits rich in vitamin C can prevent an unwanted pregnancy from going ahead.
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