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Trying to Lose Weight? This is what you can do to Lose Weight Fast !
Trying to understand losing weight can be a challenging task if you are beginning your health journey. Perhaps, you do not know how and where to start, or you have done so

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How long does it take to lose postpartum weight?
The joyful moment of the arrival of your snuggly newborn also accompanies some visible changes in your body, one of them being the weight you put on over nine months. You may wish

A Simple Guide for New Moms to Understand Postpartum Depression
When a woman conceives, her main aim in life becomes to be a good mom. After you give birth, the only thing that stops you from doing your best is Postpartum Depression. Postpartum

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The Numero ‘UNO’ Diaper Brand In India – SuperBottoms
For a newborn, a mother always looks to wrap something safe and sound around her baby’s skin, which would give the baby a feeling of warmth and comfort, a feeling similar to alwa

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Post-Natal Massage- Your Pathway to Health
A post-natal massage is a massage meant for women after their delivery. It is a full-body massage and is meant to give the new mother relief after months of carrying another life a

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How To Lose A Postpartum Belly?
The female body goes through significant changes to grow and give birth to a baby. It takes time for the body and the belly, in particular, to recover from pregnancy. One must unde

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Nutritious Foods you should eat after Child Birth.
After your delivery, it is natural to focus attention on your newborn. In the months after childbirth, most new moms need between 1,800 and 2,200 calories each day. What you eat af

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Hair, There Everywhere – Post Pregnancy Hair Loss Home Remedies
Have you Confronted the Below Issue Post-Pregnancy? “It began three months after my labor that my hairs began dropping out all over the place – towels, restroom aisles,

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Bouncing back with Yoga! Postpartum Yoga; A Long-Lasting Gift You Can Give Yourself!
Delivering a baby can be grueling, demanding, exhaustive, and can take a toll on the mother’s body. During the pregnancy, the mother’s body works round the clock to mak