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Phenoxyethanol in Baby Skincare Products? A Big No!
Motherhood is the greatest and the most complex phase in every women’s life. This phase is beautiful but full of ups and downs, exhaustion, confusion, guilt, sleepless nights

Which Milk is Good for your Kids?
As a mother, you must know why drinking milk is essential for children and their nutrition. Milk makeup is an integral part of kids’ diet and nutritional needs as it provid

Benefits of Infant Massage: How to Gently Massage Your Baby
A gentle touch reinforces love, safety, and trust between parent and child, making infant massage a wonderful way to enhance bonding between parents and babies, while providing num

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Cluster Feeding: What is Cluster Feeding and How to Manage It
Cluster feeding is a period when an infant unexpectedly needs a lot of short feeds over a few hours, that is, in groups for some time. This pattern generally lasts for a few hours

Best Fertility Pills For Women To Get Pregnant
Only women who struggle to conceive can understand how overwhelming it is to overcome infertility with the aid of eternal treatments and other medical procedures. However, there is

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Child-Led Learning – How to implement and the Benefits of it
Child-led learning is a term that is used to define education programs in which children are responsible for determining what to learn. This approach differs from a structured lear

Montessori Education and How it can help you transform your Child’s Life
Montessori education is cautiously designed to present children opportunities to evolve their competencies. Each place is filled with appropriate determinative activities that moti

Picksparrow, Pick Your Newborn’s Happiness with 100% Organic Cotton Clothing
Picksparrow is all about love, warmth, and cotton. Mothers always want their babies to be wrapped by something which makes them comfortable, gives them joy, and most importantly, c

Common Signs and Symptoms of a Food Allergy in Kids and How to prevent.
Many food items give rise to specific reactions or allergies out of which most of the parents have only heard of peanuts, and it’s based on the fact that the number of toddle

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Foods that you should include in your diet if you are Breastfeeding
The most natural, most comfortable way of increasing your breastmilk is to breastfeed your baby as many times and as long as possible. If you combine this with the intake of lots o

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What if you are not producing enough breastmilk?
Breastfeeding is a foundation for life, isn’t it? According to a survey done on 500 Indian new mothers, 22.7% of them face lactating issues in their breastfeeding journey. Dr

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Sleep Regression in Babies: Causes and How To Handle?
“For the past few weeks, my baby hasn’t been following his usual sleeping routine and keeps waking up multiple times at night. Is this worrisome? What’s the reaso

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The Numero ‘UNO’ Diaper Brand In India – SuperBottoms
For a newborn, a mother always looks to wrap something safe and sound around her baby’s skin, which would give the baby a feeling of warmth and comfort, a feeling similar to alwa

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How to ensure the safety of breastmilk and infant formulas?
Do you want to know how you can breastfeed your baby safe when you are not around? Are you a new mother who is clueless about the safe preparation and handling of infant formula? D

Montessori Method- Setting and Decoration of Baby’s Nursery.
Build a happy space for your baby! The Montessori Method has been around for almost a hundred years. It was started in the late 1800s by the first female Italian doctor Maria Monte

Waldorf Toys – A New and Unknown Concept for Parents that you should Explore!
Playing is the heart of early childhood and the key to creative thinking later in life. As parents, our ultimate goal is to keep our children safe and sound. We buy them toys to pl

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Constipation in Children – Tips and Prevention
Constipation means erratic bowel movements, generally lesser than three in a week. In most cases, constipation in children is a short phase and usually resolves with treatment. How

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Food Safety and your Kids: Everything you need to Know
On a Sunday afternoon, on her husband’s demand, there was Dal Tadka and Bhuna Chicken on making. The aroma was all over the house, which made everyone hungry sooner than any

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Impact on babies of High Sugar Diet in Breast Feeding Moms
Breastfeeding or nursing is feeding your baby breast milk, usually from your breast directly – exclusive breastfeeding (no formula, juice, or water) is strongly recommended b

Top 8 Body Lotions for baby dry skin this Winter- Mommywize
Contrasted with your skin, your newborn is a lot more slender and loses moisture a lot quicker – all of which make it more apt to dryness, especially in the winters. Their sk

Baby Massage – Benefits, Best Oils, and Tips for a Great Massage
Statistics state that infants who experience a gentle routine stroke exhibit 50% better eye contact and thrice the positive expressions than those deprived of it. This is based on

Milk Mantra: Which is better for your Baby- Cow Milk or Buffalo Milk?
With so many options available today, something as simple as choosing milk for your baby can be such a confusing and complicated decision. After your baby turns 1, cow or buffalo m

DIY Natural Hand Sanitizers and Soaps
As parents, we never stop stressing over the importance of washing hands to our children. If we do not have access to soap and water (especially when we are on the go), sanitizers

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Immunity, the New Normal: 10 Immunity Boosting Foods that you should include in Routine
Immunity- This is the word we have heard all our lives, but in this pandemic situation, it becomes an essential topic for all. When the whole world faces this epidemic, “The

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Healthy Foods to Improve your Baby’s Weight
“You’re always going to wonder if you’re doing things wrong, but that’s what it means to be a mom, to care so much about someone else that you just want to be as perfect as

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What is Baby-Lead Weaning?
Baby-led weaning means letting babies eat finger foods by themselves, right from the start i:e at about 6 to 7months of age. It enables your baby to be in control of how much and w

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Keeping Calm when your baby is ill but cannot convey
Love is all about the feeling that makes it difficult for you to breathe if your loved one is in pain or suffering from some distress. And when talking about love, you experienced

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Baby Growth Milestones and Common Signs of Delay in Baby Growth
From holding your little angel in your arms for the first time to hearing the first ‘mama,’ parenting is a journey full of emotions and joy. The newborn grows at a rapi

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Bamboo Diapers Vs. Cotton Diapers Vs. Cloth Diapers
Aren’t diapers the first things that come to mind when you hear of babies? Diapers and babies go hand-in-hand. You can’t think of one without the other. Becoming a mommy for th

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Delicious Indian Food Recipes for 1-year-old
At one year of age, your little one is ready to explore new food items. If your kid has been weaned well between 6 months and 1 year of age, so now is the time to diversify the f

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10 Key Foods to Make your Baby Smarter & Sharper
We all want our babies to be smart and sharp. We want them to be intelligent so that they can do well in life. It is the early years when the baby’s brain is rapidly developi

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9 Easily Available Foods that can help increase your feed
For most women, breastfeeding is an integral part of motherhood. Breast-feeding is a way of bonding with the baby, so it can get quite frustrating for both the mother and the child

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5 Basic Baby Essentials Items You Need
Children reach milestones in how they behave, learn to speak, walk, and run. Are you excited that your kid is toddling? Yahaya, for you! Your kid is a toddler now. A toddler is a c

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The Importance Of Touch for Babies
Ever noticed how a weeping baby calms down as soon as he is picked up by his mother? During the first half of the 20th century, a lot of therapists opined that displaying affection

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Reading- Learning & Loving Combined in One
Reading is one of the most fun and constructive hobbies. Besides keeping one gainfully occupied, reading is also an excellent way to gain some knowledge and expand your horizons. B

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How Music Affects Your Baby’s Brain Development
You may have come across the term ‘Mozart Effect,’ which was coined in 1991 and is the belief that if children or even babies tune in to classical compositions by Mozar

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Top 6 Kids Furniture Brands In India
Kids share a superior bonding with their belongings that leaves everlasting memories full of innocent pleasure and fun. One of these memories resides with their furnishings. Yes, y

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Learning to Play with Your Baby – All You Need to Know
While gearing up for parenting and caring for your lovely little one, you may have already realized that playtime is very special. As is wisely said by Mister Rogers, “Play is of

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Why Are Cognitive Skills Important For Children?
Cognitive skills include the capability to think, reflect, explore, perceive, and understand. For our kids, cognitive skill set development is the growth of knowledge, understandin

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Signs That Your Baby Is Ready To Walk Plus How To Encourage Him
One can barely be patient to witness their little munchkin take their first steps. After all, it is not only a big deal but also a significant milestone in a baby’s developme

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Keep These Tips in Mind To Shield Your Newborn From COVID-19
Literally, the year 2020 and 2021 will be remembered as the most aggravating years with everything getting a bashing in the hands of coronavirus. From consulting the pediatrician

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Jackfruit- The Forbidden Fruit
Breast-feeding is considered to be an essential part of motherhood. It is a bonding exercise between the baby and the mother. But along with breastfeeding come to a lot of restrict

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Leaving your little one behind is not at all Easy!
Leaving your little one behind is not at all easy, and it’s incredibly brutal if he screeches and holds on to you whenever you try to leave. But separation anxiety is a stand

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Baby Colic
“One day, a few weeks later, she erupted in prolonged, ear-shattering wails, complete with clenched fists, flailing legs, and an unhappy red face. I tried everything to stop

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5 Skincare Products That Are Best for Your Baby’s Delicate Skin
Hey mommies! Do you have a habit to always read the back of product labels to know the ingredients used before purchasing products? Well, if you don’t, this practice is one y

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Starting with Semi solids food : how to check test readiness in babies
Food and nutrition is the most basic necessity for any living being. For some, food is just a mode of nutrition, while for others, food is life, and for your baby, food means prope

Awaken the Genius in your Child with Left Brain and Right Brain Development
The joy and stress of lives – our children come in all types. Some kids grow up to be good athletes, some good musicians, some may be great at writing, you never really know what