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Breast Cancer Screening : Why and how you should regularly do it at home
Breast cancer is the most common cancer seen worldwide as well as in India. It is a type of cancer that arises from breast cells w
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Breast Cancer Screening : Why and how you should regularly do it at home
Breast cancer is the most common cancer seen worldwide as well as in India. It is a type of cancer that arises from breast cells when they start
Step-by-Step Guide to Vinyasa Yoga Flow for Beginners
Yoga is a way of life that can be described as a holistic and integral science in dealing with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual asp
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Trying to Lose Weight? This is what you can do to Lose Weight Fast !
Trying to understand losing weight can be a challenging task if you are beginning your health journey. Perhaps, you do not know how and
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How to Treat Acid Reflux and Heartburn with simple Home Remedies
You feel that tell-tale burning sensation in your chest, and you know what is coming. Standing, sitting, or lying down – everything is uncomfor
Make it Happen,Commit to being Fit!
Fitness is 20% Exercise and 80% Nutrition.
You cannot outrun your Fork.
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