Rise of Social Media Mom Influencers – Know what it takes and if its the field for You!

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In simple terms, social media is a computer-based technology that enables the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and information through the building of communities and virtual networks.

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook…take your pick. How many times a day do you visit these social networking sites? Almost all of us have accounts on such sites and not only follow friends and family but also various other celebrities and influencers – just to check on what they are up to, what they wear, where they are dining (let’s just be honest), and so on. There is no denying that the rise of social media has been phenomenal, and there are hardly any of us with no social media accounts. The daily traffic that these sites demand is enough for anyone to understand the influence and power that social media has over us.

Being a Mom Influencer!

All of us would have seen moms on our Instagram or Facebook accounts who regularly post content with their kids endorsing a lot of brands. Have you ever considered leveraging the power of social media to make a career and earn money?

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Mom influencer, just like a fashion and beauty influencer, is the latest field that has opened up in social media, and many moms have made it into a full-time profession. Mom influencers are mothers who have a big social media following, and they create content on a particular aspect of parenting, food, motherhood, and so on. Such content not only entertains but also helps other moms. Each mom influencer has a different niche (home décor, fashion, travel, parenting, and so on), depending on what they are good at and have hands-on knowledge or qualification for. They build trust and a connection with their audience and thus gain authority over the things that they say via their profiles.

Who can be a Mom Influencer?

Most mom influencers are generally stay-at-home moms who are social media savvy and post content in the form of blogs or videos on their social media accounts. However, if you have the patience, passion, and time, any mom (working or stay-at-home) can be a mom influencer. They post content that the audience can relate to by capturing the good, bad, and sometimes also the ugly side of their lives. They include their families, specifically children, in their posts. The content they post could be boomerangs of some of their best moments with their children/husbands/family or blogs about their setbacks, the falls, sleepless nights, latest fashion advice, and perhaps their daily efforts to lose weight. Such posts on their social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on) help the audience connect to them; thus, increasing their influence and social capital.

Mom influencers are not just something that moms are doing to spend their free time at hand. Internet marketers love to work with mom influencers to promote their brands and enhance their brand visibility. Their recommendations serve as a form of social proof for a brand’s target audience. Believe it or not, many top mom influencers make up to Rs 5,00000 – Rs 10,00000 per month through brand endorsements, product reviews, and brand campaigns on their profile. The rise of mom/mommy/mum bloggers has been a global trend.

It does take patience and time to reach a certain number of followers, only after which one can start making real money. However, micro-influencers who have around 10,000 to 50,000 followers make Rs 16,000 to Rs 25,000 per post for a brand. Middle-tier influencers who have 60,000 to 100,000 followers make Rs 35,000 to Rs 45,000 per post for a brand. Top-tier influencers who have 100,000 to 500,000 followers make up to Rs 1,00000 per post per brand. Apart from this, mom influencers also receive various complimentary gift hampers from brands on special occasions.

Why are Mom Influencers Popular?

Mom influencers own huge clout amongst the primary audience with purchasing power (other parents and moms). Thus, they can include various products in their content. From a messaging outlook, most mom influencers are honest, down-to-earth, and endearing. These characteristics promote their capability to create reliable content on behalf of other brands. Communities of parents and moms are the fussiest of the lot when it comes to services and products. Thus, when a mom influencer suggests a product or a service, audience members are more likely to purchase that very product.

Amongst the most common industries where mom influencers have gained popularity are:

  • Fashion
  • Children’s products (toys, food, books, snacks, clothes, and so on.)
  • Home development
  • Beauty products
  • Crafts
  • Social advocacy
  • Health and wellness

Steps to Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom Influencer

If you have the patience, passion, and time, any mom (working or stay-at-home) can be a mom influencer. Here are a few quick tips if you would like to try your hands at it:

  • Create a Multi-Dimensional Approach with a Blog

It is recommended to start with a blog – it does not really matter if your business is a product or your product is your blog. Find your niche, be it travel, parenting, fashion, home décor, or whatever, and once you find your niche, stick to it. Be original and inventive, and no matter what you do, be ‘real’. People connect to reality and authenticity and are looking for other individuals to whom they can relate.

  • Make it Personal

As weird as it may seem or sound, your personal story and identity should be included in your business strategy. Do not be all over the place; let your message be consistent and reliable. For example, if you are a mother who specializes in children’s eating habits, do not review cosmetics – this does not work. Stick to your forte, but include other sides or facets of your personality/life organically

  • Build Your Own Style

Consider every image you post as if it were a piece of art. Check if it is aesthetic and pleases the eye. A few social media influencers concentrate more on the perfect picture that is shot with an expensive camera, while others do fine by just using their iPhone.

  • Do not Take Everything Personally.

Always remember the saying ‘naysayers will be naysayers’ and continue to create and disperse information about the great products worth purchasing. Be proud of the content and the community you have created, and keep doing what you believe in.

Popular Mom Influencers

Some of the popular mom influencers are:

  • Namrata Sadhvani: A Hyderabad based influencer whose niche is parenting, books, and lifestyle. She has over 35,000 followers and earns anywhere between Rs 1,00000 to Rs 3,00000 per month.
  • Prerna Sinha: With over 9985 followers on Instagram, Prerna’s niche is blogging, travel, and digital content creation. She takes anywhere between Rs 1,00000 to Rs 1,50,000 per month.
  • Ritcha Verma: A digital creator and globe-trotting fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger. With over 1,00625 followers on Twitter and Instagram, she makes anywhere between Rs 3,00000 to Rs 5,00000 per month.


For most mom influencers, this is the most fulfilling and rewarding job they could have ever had. The growth of the stay-at-home ‘mompreneurs’ has not even come near to touching its peak. Brands around the globe consider mom influencers as a powerful vehicle to reach their audience. It is a known fact that moms hold purchasing power in most households. Thus, for all the women out there who are entering into or mastering the stay-at-home mom hustle, there is enough room for all to thrive.

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