Wadiya Singh Visits Planet Sparkle – Amazing Kids book about Space for Kids

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Hey, there! Wondering what to do with your kids after long working hours? Who would not love to escape the boredom with a story? We got you a thrilling story to lift your spirits.
Meet Annant, the author of this exciting book, and know about the book and how he got to writing this book at such an early age.
Our very own Wadiya Singh, the happy-go-lucky farmer, made a new friend. His friend is different from everyone else and is completely out of the world! Wadiya sets on a phenomenal adventure with his friend and learns how to live in harmony. We know you love reading books but reading it with a stuffed toy as your friendly company is way more fun. That’s why we have brought a cute little stuffy to befriend you while you read the story and even afterward.
To know who’s Wadiyas friend and more about the adventure, you must jump into the storybook written by Annant Mittal. It’s a book series that you should definitely make your kids read or read to them to ignite the curiosity in them about space and the universe.
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