Don’t Worry, Be Safe- Important Safety Rules you should teach your Children

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As parents, we are always concerned about the safety of our children. The world is not what it used to be. Risks and dangers are lurking everywhere, and we, as parents, try and do whatever we can to keep our children safe. But safety starts at home. We are our children’s first teachers. It is our responsibility to teach them about safety rules for children and how to stay safe. Here are some tips to help you know what rules you should teach your little one, which is forever ingrained in him.

1. Beware of Strangers

In today’s day and age, this is a fundamental rule that every child should be taught.  You need to constantly repeat to your child that they should never go close to strangers, accept anything from strangers, or speak to strangers. They will gradually understand what you are trying to teach them, and by the time they are ready to step out into the world on their own, they will remember this rule.

2. Contact Information

Start teaching your child basic contact information such as your and your partner’s address and phone number as and when he/ she starts to speak. Help him/ her memorize these. Your phone numbers should be at the tip of your child’s tongue, in case of an emergency. It is also a good idea to help them recognize a landmark near your home.

3. Road Safety

Irrespective of where you stay, be it a condominium in a gated society, a bungalow, or anywhere else, it is essential that you teach your child the basics of road safety. You may think that your child will not be going anywhere without you, so teaching  road safety rules for children is not necessary. But young children can be unpredictable; therefore, it is very important for them to know road safety rules such as roads should always be crossed at zebra crossings and that they should always cross the road with an adult. They should be taught not to run on the road and to always look left, right, and left before crossing.

Tips for the Guilty Working Parent

It is essential to understand that children only need ‘good enough’ and ‘happy’ parents and not parents who hover around them all the time. Ensure to come up with rituals or home routines that you will prioritize at any cost. Select your priorities with the school your child attends. Do ensure to make time to relax and play as a family. Ensure to schedule time during the weekends to keep up with the assignments/tests from school. Train your kids to solve their problems themselves instead of giving them advice about what to do.

4. What to do when you get lost

We are always careful when we go out with our children, but accidents do happen. A child may wander off while in the mall or market or just get left behind. It is important that neither you nor the child panics and that are something you should teach your child. Tell him/ her to stay where he/ she is and not wander around. If they find themselves alone in a store, teach them to go up to the counter and ask for help. You can also teach them to ask for help from an adult with a child.

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5. Good Touch/ Bad Touch

Start teaching your child about good touch and bad touch as soon as they are old enough to understand you. With sexual predators lurking in every corner and no age for a victim to be too young, it is important that you start teaching your child that their body belongs only to them. Speak to your child about personal space, and if someone makes them feel uncomfortable, they should know they can speak to you about it. A child should know that only his parents can touch him/ her, or a doctor.

6. Stay away from Electrical Points

All children have an attraction for electric points and sockets around the house, especially because while the child is crawling, most of the electrical sockets are within reach for them. You will need to keep an eye on your child as he/ she starts to move around, but you need to explain to them that these are dangerous and not to be touched. The same goes for fire, matchsticks, and sharp objects such as knives and scissors. Children start to understand long before they start to speak, so don’t worry that your child may not understand your instructions.

7. It is okay to say No

 Teach your child that if he/ she is uncomfortable doing something, he/ she should go with their instinct and refuse. They need to know that nobody can force them to do something that they think is wrong, and they will not be punished for refusing. Teach these basic safety rules for children  as soon as they are old enough to understand. Teach them that he/ she can speak to you about anything, and you will not judge them; the channels of communication with your children should always be open, and they will feel safe and secure in speaking with you.

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