Clever tricks to keep your child entertained in COVID Season

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2020 Quarantine season has brought us many unexpected turns. From navigating the wearing of face-masks in public, all the way to having to work from home without the human contact that we’ve all gotten so accustomed to. It’s safe to say that 2020 has been quite the doozy. Working from home and suddenly finding myself taking care of my toddler (who’s usually in daycare), has proved to be quite the learning curve. Here, I share the fun activities that I’ve used to keep my two-year-old entertained while morphing into a Mommy Ninja!

Preparing an Act

Children thrive on imagination, and luckily for me, so does my two-year-old.  One of the activities, which I’ve prepared for her, is to host puppet shows. It’s a known fact that children find puppet shows to be particularly fascinating, so having little Eleanor come into the backyard to see this form of entertainment was just what she needed.

Especially when it came time for her to join in on the show. It was perfect for me because I knew that she would not be missing out on what she would otherwise be learning in school, promoting her imagination, improving her etiquette and social skills through storytelling, and developing her emotional development.

Foster Their Inner Picasso

Having a designated area for children to express themselves is another fantastic way to help keep them entertained.  I thought of creating a designated area for art to help keep Eleanor entertained. I always knew that she enjoyed arts and crafts while she was going to school, so creating a space for her art turned out to be a no brainer.

Spending time with my child creating art sculptures from playdough, creating paintings, and other craft items have been an excellent way for us to bond. I especially love seeing her experiment with variations of color in her paint and crayon sets and discovering what she likes and dislikes. Art and crafts can be a major factor in building your child’s self-esteem, motor skills, and visual processing memory.

Pirate Treasure Hunt

Every kid enjoys a game of hiding and goes seek. They especially love when they are the ones who are sent to seek out items with the promise of a prize… then you know you have struck gold. I love seeing my little one actively finding ways to locate items hidden around the home, knowing that there will be a prize in store for her.

Having me there to help her determine where to look is another method that I like to use to help her build her social skills and be open to teamwork. I also get to see her dance around and clapping excitedly as she realizes her accomplishment in finding all the buried treasure on the bounty list.

Getting Them Involved in Your Daily Workouts

Kids are active, and their energy levels can sure as heck wear you out before you can even hit the yoga mat. Being there for my daughter is a significant motivation for me to be healthy, and being healthy involves regular workouts.  Finding the time to do this can be difficult when you have a two-year-old toddler. Then again, it doesn’t have to be if you get your child involved, now does it.

I have since involved little Ellie in my evening workouts (yes, she even has her own yoga mat) and she looks forward to our yoga sessions together. She may not have fully mastered the downward dog yet, but it is undoubtedly hella cute watching her do it. Not only that, but she is now developing a better understanding and appreciation of being healthy and seeing the benefits it can have on your mood and body.

Weekend Spa Days.

Girls just wanna have fun. No matter the time, or the age, we wish to have fun and be able to enjoy a little self-care every now and then. It’s also a great way to wind down from a great yoga workout. Some might argue that there is no real benefit to this, but I say nay. Baby massages are a great way to keep my child relaxed (and which baby doesn’t want to be relaxed in COVID season?).

It will help to improve her sleep patterns (and I know many of us parents want to see our kids actually sleep so we too can catch them zzz’s), and it increases the bond that is between mother and child through touch and kin-ship.

I must say, there are a few things about it that I can appreciate about quarantine season. Being able to spend additional time with my daughter is among one of those things. It has also built respect for teachers and daycare operators. Nevertheless, when all is said and done, I wouldn’t trade any of these moments I’ve spent with my daughter for anything.

Until next time, stay responsible and safe.

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