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My Dyson is Giving me 9 AQI- We are getting what we deserve.
It started about 5 yrs ago. Diwali crackers and pollution… Oh, did I bore you with this first line itself? Are you thinking not again and

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5 Commandments to Effective Parenting
While it is easy to become parents, the entire journey of parenthood is not easy. Parenthood is a beautiful journey of mixed and, yes, so

Work , Kids , Home and Managing Time : How to do the Impossible !!
20-25 yrs of education, a corporate job, and a dream to make it big. 3-4 yrs of goal setting to achieve great height only to get married, have a

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Self-care During Pandemic- A Ready Reckoner for Tired Moms
Self-care should be a priority for all of us at all times. Conversely, during the troubled times of COVID-19, we all bear the situation’s

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It is All About Prioritizing Your Spouse!
As parents, we end up doing peculiar things for our kids for the sake of our love for them. Have you ever stayed up till 2 a.m trying to glue gl

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Bursting 5 Myths Of Parenting with my Twin-Upbringing
We can try to teach good habits to our kids, but there is no formula to make them the clone of any ‘perfect kid’; if there is one, t

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Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) – My pregnancy journey and struggles
We planned to have a baby in January 2019, after setting our career and life goals accordingly. I got pregnant in one go. Thanks to the lord! My

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A Simple Guide for New Moms to Understand Postpartum Depression
When a woman conceives, her main aim in life becomes to be a good mom. After you give birth, the only thing that stops you from doing your best

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Emotional Intimacy: My Realization About a Successful Relationship
Are you aware of the term called ‘emotional intimacy’? It is quite possible to stay in a relationship for years without having any emotional

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The Importance Of Living An Active Life And Our Role As Influential Mothers
There is a lot of pressure on women today to look, behave and act in a certain way. Timeless yet useless yet traditions have dictated how women

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Me Super Mom? No Thank You !
A study recently found that women, on average, start their day around 6 a.m., only to end it post 8 p.m. As mothers, our day probably begins a l

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Juvenile Diabetes- A first-hand account by a Mom and what she learnt after her son was diagnosed
What do you know about diabetes? It is a sugar-related disease that happens to people who binge on sugar and refined flour sweets and eat unheal

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Motherhood Is….
Holding tiny little one you have known for nine months, and listening to their first breath. It is going near them and smelling the baby scent.

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Let go of your baggage off your Kids Back
Although me and my daughter have had many heart-filled adventures together, it’s only in these last twelve months, at the ripe old age of

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New Year Resolutions don’t work when these 5 reasons are at Work!
We’re almost recovering from the nightmare of 2020’s happenings and evidently, not many of us have any hopes for the coming year. 20