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How to select a Book for your child and Book recommendations for kids 2-4 yrs
Children develop more rapidly during the first 5 years of their lives than at any other time. This crucial period in a child’s life is also termed as the “foundation years”.

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Child-Led Learning – How to implement and the Benefits of it
Child-led learning is a term that is used to define education programs in which children are responsible for determining what to learn. This approach differs from a structured lear

Montessori Education and How it can help you transform your Child’s Life
Montessori education is cautiously designed to present children opportunities to evolve their competencies. Each place is filled with appropriate determinative activities that moti

Step by Step Guide to Jolly Phonics and how to help Kids learn to read at an Early age
Click to Watch the full video: Watch Now You will Learn What’s the right age to introduce Jolly phonics to kids. How to help my child learn to read or to help my child read

How to teach Spanish to Kids and Benefits of raising a Multilingual Child
Multilingualism is the ability of an individual to speak more than two languages. To learn more about the benefits and the need to raise a multilingual child, we organized a sessio

How to Raise a Multi-lingual Child and the benefits of being Multi-lingual in your Childs overall Development.
In conversation with Founder @learninglingos Eshleen Jolly Born and raised in the US, Eshleen picked up Spanish as a baby along with Hindi as her parents spoke Hindi and English fr

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Saving is caring -Teaching kids to start early
“Proper financial skills are significant in assisting you in exploring your life.” Each year, one day in April is proclaimed as “National Teach Children to Save D

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coding platform for kids | Free coding course |
Coding for kids is gaining popularity these days as it not only makes them think out of the box but helps set themselves up for a tech-based future where they’d be able to so

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Five Effective Homeschooling Tips For Parents
With the worldwide pandemic assuming control over the world, families are battling to sort out some way to pass through the present circumstance. This uncommon circumstance has lef

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Best Activity Books, Activity Sheets & Toys for kids to Keep them Engaged
The toddler years are the formative years of a child and thus incredibly important. It is during this time when kids learn alphabets, shapes, colors, and more. The more quality tim

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Top Kids STEM toys and Activity Boxes for 4-7-Year-Old Kids
Kids provide us moments of joy, but it is incredibly hard to keep them engaged all the time. Handling kids is not a cakewalk, and during COVID, when everyone is trapped indoors, it

How is STEM Education Beneficial for your Child?
STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons. Be it the educators, parents, or entrepreneurs, and everyone acknowle

Learning Disabilities in Kids
Learning disability (or LD) was first identified in the 1950s and 1960s when it came to the notice that children with common intellectual skills displayed certain limitations while

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How to Fight The Nursery Admission Demon
Nursery admission is every parent’s worst nightmare come true. After your child’s birth, everything you do is to prepare yourself and your bundle of joy for the inevita

Top 12 Educational Apps and Sites For Kids | Virtual Learning At Its Best
Over the most recent couple of decades, there has been a gigantic transition in the nation’s education sector. With the promotion of educational apps to kids, education has b

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Essential Guide to Learning formats in Indian Preschool
Humanity has advanced in every aspect of life, and the core reason behind this evolution is the continuous improvement of learning systems for people of all ages, schooling systems

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Homeschooling, Road Schooling and Unschooling
The idea of homeschooling was rapidly growing in India even before the impact of the pandemic. Living in a pandemic where our children can’t go to school has piqued curiosity abo

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How to prepare Toddlers for Kindergarten
I remember my initial days of school when sending the kids to playschool wasn’t really a thing, and it was a grave topic of discussion in a middle-class family as to why do w

Awaken the Genius in your Child with Left Brain and Right Brain Development
The joy and stress of lives – our children come in all types. Some kids grow up to be good athletes, some good musicians, some may be great at writing, you never really know what