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Phenoxyethanol in Baby Skincare Products? A Big No!
Motherhood is the greatest and the most complex phase in every women’s life. This phase is beautiful but full of ups and downs, exhaustion

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My Dyson is Giving me 9 AQI- We are getting what we deserve.
It started about 5 yrs ago. Diwali crackers and pollution… Oh, did I bore you with this first line itself? Are you thinking not again and

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Air Quality Index V/s Aryan Khan
It’s been 20 + days since Diwali, and the AQI shows the same alarming numbers in Delhi NCR with no signs of improvement. As a part of my 4

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Are you looking for nutritious and delicious snacks for kids? Tata Soulfull Ragi Bites Fills is the solution!
As the pandemic looms large, with no access to friends, schools, recess periods, games, play, fun, and so much more, kids are turning to snacks

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Which Milk is Good for your Kids?
As a mother, you must know why drinking milk is essential for children and their nutrition. Milk makeup is an integral part of kids’ die

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5 Dental Myths Busted | Dental Facts and Myths by Dr. Kanupriya Kajaria
As a practicing dentist for over ten years, I get to hear a lot of myths revolving around dentistry and Dental procedures which have been passed

Work , Kids , Home and Managing Time : How to do the Impossible !!
20-25 yrs of education, a corporate job, and a dream to make it big. 3-4 yrs of goal setting to achieve great height only to get married, have a

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How to Prepare for the Third Wave of the Pandemic and Keep Kids safe
It has been more than a year and a half, and the entire world relentlessly continues to battle the pandemic. For some time now, a potential thir

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Child-Led Learning – How to implement and the Benefits of it
Child-led learning is a term that is used to define education programs in which children are responsible for determining what to learn. This app

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Breast Cancer Screening : Why and how you should regularly do it at home
Breast cancer is the most common cancer seen worldwide as well as in India. It is a type of cancer that arises from breast cells when they start

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Oral Care in Pregnancy and Root Canal Treatment (RCT) in Pregnancy
So we all know that eating behavior can change during Pregnancy. A lot of women tend to get a craving for sweet food and late-night snacking. Of

Step-by-Step Guide to Vinyasa Yoga Flow for Beginners
Yoga is a way of life that can be described as a holistic and integral science in dealing with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual as

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Trying to Lose Weight? This is what you can do to Lose Weight Fast !
Trying to understand losing weight can be a challenging task if you are beginning your health journey. Perhaps, you do not know how and

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Arras – Sustainable Fashion Clothing brand, Handmade all the Way!
Arras is a sustainable clothing brand focusing on creating circular products for the fashion industry. It is rooted in the unique textile streng

Kids Nutrition and Family Meal Planning in Covid Times
Are your children eating healthily? This does not necessarily imply that they eat a lot, but rather that they eat a variety of healthy meals. Ar