How to beautify your cozy balcony !

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The cozy balcony is the ultimate amenity for any home. In Indian households, balconies get usually used as a space for drying out washed clothes, a graveyard for dead plants, or dumping broken furniture. But this ignored and neglect space can get transformed into the perfect place to connect with nature, meditate, relax, have your morning chai and breakfast out in the sun while enjoying the serene landscape, and sometimes enjoy the beautiful sunset with a light evening breeze. We all need relaxation and solace when our children are driving us mad. Well, you don’t need to step out of your house to find comfort and coziness. You can create that space right in your home! It doesn’t matter if you a small balcony or a gigantic one. All of the balconies have huge design potential. You just need a slight style sense to make it look aesthetic and beautiful. Here are some cozy balcony décor ideas for you to revamp your dull and neglected outdoor space into something chic, comfortable, and pacifying! Before starting the makeover of your cozy balcony, make sure to clean it properly. Scrub the floor and the walls clean!

1. Flooring!

Flooring in Mommywize

  After cleaning the balcony space, start easy with the flooring. You can add a rug or artificial grass to perk up space. Artificial grass is convenient and gives the feel and the look of a backyard. Or you can go old school by laying out a rug for the flooring. You can use colorful and decorative rugs to give a bohemian look to your outdoor space.

Flooring-2 in Mommywize

2. Add a chair for your Ease and Comfort!

Add a Chair For Your Ease and Comfort in Mommywize

To relax in the sun, add one or two comfortable chairs so you can sit and enjoy the natural surroundings in the company of your loved one or just yourself. Style the chairs with some pillows and sit back and relax! Swing chairs are in trend and have become a popular choice for balconies. They give a hip and fashionable look to space.

Add A Chair For Your Ease And Comfort! 2

3. Add a Coffee Table!

Add a Coffee Table in Mommywize
  For your morning chai or coffee, set up a small coffee table with chairs and enjoy the warmth of sunlight in chilly winters. If you have minimal space for your cozy balcony and can’t fit a table in there, you can use a folding table or attach a shelf to your balcony railing. They will help spare some space to walk, and it will not look all messy and cluttered.

Add a Coffee Table in Mommywize

4. Go Green!

Add as many plants as you can to create an aesthetic and fresh environment. Turn the balcony space into your little urban oasis filled with greenery. The flowers and the plants will bloom elegantly in that space, which will ultimately help you calm your nerves and focus on the positive things. It is hard to find greenery, peace, and solitude all in one place. So, turn your balcony into the mini garden of your dream by adding plants creatively and innovatively to space.

Go Green in Mommywize 

5. Hang Railing Planters!

If you don’t have enough space to lush your balcony with pots and plants, you can hang planters on your balcony railing! It doesn’t require any extra space, creates an aesthetic and green environment, and gives an eye-catching look to your home!

Hang Railing Planters in Mommywize
  If you want to get more artistic and innovative, you can hang plants from the balcony ceiling! It’s a serene view and a fantastic escape from the hustle-bustle of the busy city life!  

Hang Railing Planters in Mommywize

6. Convert crates into Tables!

Don’t want to invest in a table? No problem! You must a crate lying around somewhere in the house. Lay them on their sides, and there you have it, your convenient, rustic, and handy table! If you like to paint and draw, you can all creative with the crate!

Convert Crates Into Tables1
It can also be used to grow beautiful plants.

Grow Beautiful Plants
Or it can be used as a cool stool to make your kids sit in one place while you curl up and read a book!

Convert Crates Into Tables in Mommywize

7. Set the mood with Romantic Lighting!

Putting fairy lights on the balcony railing is getting pretty basic, don’t you think? Get innovative with the lights. Plant some creepers, vine, or climbers and intermingle them with a string of cheap lantern lights. They will bring instant magic to space and a great ambiance! If you have potted plants or railing planters, then you can wrap some pretty lights on the branches too, and your mini lighted and the super cozy garden is ready!

Set the Mood With Romantic Lighting  

8. Use the Wall Space!

There is no such thing as ‘too many plants.’ The more green, the more positive vibes in your home! Put planters on the wall space. It will add to the overall aesthetics of the area! You can bring out the creative person in yourself while designing the wall space. You can put water resistant art, plants on a small wooden ladder, DIY decorative pieces, or anything you feel like! A bare and straightforward wall can be turned into a piece of art and beauty with just a little effort.

Use the Wall Space in Mommywize

9. Go all out with Pillows!

Investing in outdoor furniture can be expensive, so why not use the pillows and cushions lying around in your house? Lay down a mattress, a colorful bedsheet over it, and fill the space with vibrant cushions and pillows! It will be extra cozy, relaxing, and of course, appealing to look at.

Go all out with Pillows in Mommywize

10. Give yourself some Privacy!

Your balcony will be your favorite and comfortable hang out spot only when there is no one watching you. Add outdoor curtains to create privacy in your alfresco space!

Give Yourself Some Privacy in Mommywize

Don’t fret if you don’t have an ample balcony space. Go minimalistic and elegant with your small area! Get creative, turn your balcony into your little paradise, and don’t let space be your limit!

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