Best Fertility Food While Trying to Get Pregnant

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When you finally plan a family and decide that you want to get pregnant, you want everything to go smoothly and quickly and without being cumbersome. But when it comes to conceiving, you might need to make a few changes in your lifestyle and eating habits to boost your fertility and receive the good news sooner. These include looking after overall health, exercising, and altering eating habits. The changes in eating habits include cutting trans fats that reduce pregnancy rates and eating certain Fertility Food known to boost fertility. So, here are some of the best Fertility Food to boost your fertility. Incorporating these foods can be highly favorable while trying to get pregnant and maintaining overall health at the same time.

1.Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds in Mommywize Roasted and unsalted sunflower seeds are like a ‘power food’ when it comes to boosting fertility and reproductive health in both men and women. These are rich in Vitamin E, which is known for uplifting sperm count and sperm motility in men and. It is also an excellent folate and selenium source that is brilliant for both male and female fertility.

2.Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits in Mommywize All the citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C. Apart from boosting immunity and overall health, it is also known to enhance egg and semen health in females, which are closely related to reproductive health.

3.Mature Cheeses

Mature cheese in Mommywize Mature cheeses, for instance, cheddar and parmesan, are rich in compounds called polyamines. Polyamines are known to improve sperm health. Mature cheeses also contain a compound called Putrescine, which improves egg health, especially in women over 35 years of age. So, if you are 35 years old or more, don’t hesitate to include some mature cheeses in your diet.

4.Cooked Tomatoes

Cooked Tomato in Mommywize Cooked tomatoes are lesser known for their role in enhancing fertility, but they’re equally full of surprises. They contain a compound called Lycopene. In recent research, it is suggested that consuming 4-8 mg of Lycopene for 8-12 months can improve semen health and may lead to higher rates of pregnancy. It is equally useful for improving male fertility as well.

5.Full-fat Dairy products

Dairy products in Mommywize Full-fat dairy products are great for those who are not lactose intolerant. These contain saturated fats that are known to boost fertility. In contrast to the low-fat dairy products, the full-fat ones are known to promote egg health and prevent ovulation problems. Full-fat products include whole fat milk, ice creams, cream cheese, and any other cheeses prepared from full-cream milk.

6.Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils in Mommywize Beans and lentils are packed with fiber and folate, which are both known to promote a healthy hormonal balance in both males and females. Lentils contain polyamine spermidine in appreciable amounts. This compound aids in the fertilization process. Further, beans and lentils are brilliant sources of plant-based proteins. Plant-based proteins play an essential role in healthy ovulation, unlike animal-based proteins, which increase infertility risks by posing issues in the ovulation process.


pomergranate in Mommywize Pomegranates have been associated with fertility since ages because it contains many seeds. But apart from being a historic epitome, these are scientifically proven to boost sperm motility. Studies have shown that consuming pomegranates, fresh or in the form of extracts, can increase sperm count.

8.Egg Yolks

Egg yolks in Mommywize The egg yolk is the most nutrient-rich part of an egg. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and contains iron, calcium, zinc, Vitamin B6, folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids EPA, and DHA. The omega-3 fatty acids are known to boost fertility to a great extent in both males and females. Egg yolks are also a rich and affordable source of lean protein, which enhances fertility in both males and females. Another compound called choline, found in egg yolks, helps prevent some of the congenital disabilities in the newborns.  Eating these Fertility Food is a great way to improve your overall health, which should be a priority while trying to conceive and enhance fertility during pregnancy and increase pregnancy rates; however, these cannot guarantee a pregnancy or a smooth delivery.

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