First Signs Of Miscarriage In Early Pregnancy

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Also depicted by the term spontaneous abortion by the medics, a miscarriage occurs when the women’s embryo or fetus withers before the twentieth week of pregnancy. It is to be noted that miscarriage is a typical complication of pregnancy and approximately 15-20% of early gestations end up in miscarriages, with approximately eight in every ten of them occurring within the first trimester. If you’re wondering whether you have a miscarriage or not, notice the first signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy given below.

Six common and first signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Look out for these common first signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy.
  1. Cramps and abdominal distress

Though slight abdominal pain and muscle cramps are common in the pre-pregnancy cycles, it mustn’t be taken lightly afterward. If you’re encountering more hurtful cramps and abdominal pain more often, it’s better to get checked up by a medic.

  1. The passing of mucus (usually pink in color) from the vagina

 Any passing of pink fluid from the vagina is also considered an early miscarriage sign which, if not diagnosed early, can be life-threatening for the mother. Hence, you should collect the tissue or pink fluid for examination by any healthcare expert.

  1. Vaginal bleeding (or spotting)

Vaginal spotting is defined as light vaginal bleeding that occurs outside the regular menstrual periods. There is nothing to worry about if spotting involves slight bleeding. However, if it progresses from light bleeding to heavy bleeding, it can imply miscarriage. Hence, it’s better to get examined before it turns into something scarier.

  1. Lower backache

 Again, a normal pregnancy involves a usually tired back and periodic discomfort as the body contracts and relaxes during the same. However, it won’t persist for long. If it does, never ignore it. Any stronger backache during the first three months or trimester can be an indication of miscarriage.

  1. Loss of pregnancy symptoms 

Pregnancy comes with several symptoms like a gradual weight gain, morning sickness, breast soreness, nausea, and much more. As long as you’re experiencing these, nothing to ponder over. However, if you’re noticing that these and other pregnancy symptoms are going away, it’s a matter of concern. According to the experts, if you feel any loss of pregnancy symptom(s), it indicates spontaneous abortion.

  1. Dizziness

During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone boosts the flow of blood to your baby, thus reducing its flow to your brain. This leads to lower blood pressure and a feeling of dizziness/lightheadedness. Though it’s not a commonly observed early miscarriage sign, it has been found that strong feelings of dizziness can sometimes be responsible for the miscarriage.

Can I have a Healthy Baby after a Miscarriage?

Miscarriage is typically a one-time occurrence. Most women have healthy pregnancies after a miscarriage, and only one percent of women have a chance of repeated miscarriages. Several miscarriages happen as the fetus does not develop normally. Complications with the baby’s chromosomes are usually the reason for about 50 percent of early pregnancy loss.
A miscarriage can cause intense feelings of loss. You and your partner may also experience anxiety, guilt, or sadness. You will take time to heal, no doubt, but you can overcome this feeling with emotional support and patience.
Ideally, intercourse is best avoided for around two weeks after a miscarriage to prevent an infection. However, you can ovulate and get pregnant as early as two weeks after a miscarriage. Once you are physically and emotionally ready for pregnancy after a miscarriage, check with your doctor for guidance. Usually, after one miscarriage, there is no need to wait to try and conceive.
If one experiences multiple miscarriages, certain tests may be recommended to ascertain the cause before trying to conceive again. Most women who experience multiple miscarriages also go on to have healthy pregnancies.

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I know if I’m having a miscarriage?

 Miscarriage and its symptoms is a topic no one would like to talk about openly, and this is a major cause behind its severity in many cases. If you’re encountering painful cramps, abdominal pain, lower backache, persistent dizziness, loss of pregnancy symptoms, vaginal bleeding, passing out of tissues, or any pinkish liquid, these can be the first signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy.

  1. Can a miscarriage resolve on its own?

Whether your miscarriage will resolve on its own or not varies from person to person. In most cases, certain support and/or treatment(s) are required to get away from a miscarriage.

  1. What week do most miscarriages occur?

The majority, say 80% of the miscarriages happen during the first trimester. As low as 1-5% of the other miscarriages are witnessed in the second trimester.

  1. What drug can stop miscarriage?

Various drugs that are known to stop miscarriage to a good extent are Allylestrenol, Diethylstilbestrol, Dydrogesterone, and Hydroxy Progesterone.

  1. Do miscarriages go away on their own?

The earlier you’re in pregnancy, the higher are the chances of your body completing the miscarriage on its own.

  1. What food can abort a month of pregnancy?

Certain food items are known to abort a month of pregnancy. These include pineapple, crabs, sesame seeds, aloe vera, papaya, drumstick, caffeine, certain herbs, wild apples, peach, eggs & poultry, processed meat, spices (like fenugreek, asafoetida, garlic, angelica, and peppermint), raw sprouts, alcohol, etc.

  1. How does a miscarriage start?

Numerous ladies undergo a miscarriage from the get-go in their pregnancy without recognizing it. They may simply think they are having a normal to heavy period. On the off chance that this happens to you, you may have heavier bleeding, distress in the stomach, backache, and may even feel dizzy. If vaginal bleeding has started up, recall that this is typical in numerous pregnancies, yet consult the medics on a safer side.

Later on, you may encounter indications like persistent torment, or pink liquid passing, and blood clusters from your vagina. Contingent upon how long you’ve been pregnant, you may pass tissue that looks more like a fetus or a full-grown tot.

In certain kinds of pregnancy losses, you probably won’t have any miscarriage manifestations whatsoever, and the same probably won’t be found until your next ultrasound. Or you may very well feel the disappearance of the pregnancy symptoms.

  1. Can I take a pregnancy test to see if I miscarried?

Yes, you can take a pregnancy test to see if you miscarried. Testing negative for pregnancy after a week or a couple after testing positive for pregnancy indicates chemical miscarriage, a very early miscarriage.

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