Bamboo Diapers Vs. Cotton Diapers Vs. Cloth Diapers

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Aren’t diapers the first things that come to mind when you hear of babies? Diapers and babies go hand-in-hand. You can’t think of one without the other. Becoming a mommy for the first time can be confusing and overwhelming. It is so much you are coming to terms with in regard to emotions, feelings, your changing body, etc. On top of all of that, you also need to decide which cream to use, what baby oil to buy, which soap is right, and so on. It seems like such an inconsequential and unimportant decisions to make, and yet these are some of the most basic requirements when you have a baby. One such dilemma that you will face is which diaper to use for your baby. Let us discuss the various options available to you i.e. Bamboo Cotton and Cloth Diapers so that the decision is an informed one and easier to make when you need to decide.

Bamboo Diapers

Bamboo diapers are environment friendly and sustainable. Unlike the conventional plastic and cotton-lined disposable diapers we have been using for decades, they are completely biodegradable, more absorbent than cotton, and are made from a natural resource that is quickly replenishable. Bamboo diapers are soft and gentle on the skin too. If the environment and your carbon footstep matter to you, then bamboo diapers are an excellent choice. Bamboo diapers are available as disposable diapers and also in the cloth variant, which you can use with inserts.

These diapers are also naturally anti-microbial and anti-bacterial, and they provide natural insulation, keeping the baby warm in winters and cool in summers. Bamboo diapers have been available in countries like the USA and UK for many years now, but have recently become available in India too. They are a little more expensive than regular disposable diapers, but that is a small price to pay for the many benefits they offer. Some of India’s popular bamboo diaper brands are Bambo Nature, Alter, BDiapers, etc. Even bamboo diaper inserts for cloth diapers are easily available online.

You can choose a combination of diapers. For example, you can keep your baby in cloth diapers during the day and disposable diapers at night, so his/her sleep doesn’t get disturbed. Also, as the baby gets older and settles into a routine, you will have a clearer idea of his/ her poop timings. You can use a cloth diaper with inserts or a disposable diaper when you know the baby poops, and a cloth diaper at other times.

Cotton Diapers

Cotton diapers are probably the most popular option right now, simply because they are easily available and cheaper than bamboo diapers. They are also a more convenient option over cloth diapers. No mess and no fuss. However, cotton diapers are not a very good option for the environment as it is estimated that these diapers take almost 500 years to decompose. Also, because these are single-use diapers, they keep adding to the environmental burden. Considering the current environmental situation, it would be a good idea to reconsider the various options available to you. Disposable cotton diapers are available in a number of styles, and some of the various options available to you are Pampers, Huggies, Mamy Poko Pants, etc. You can get these in the regular style with stickers to hold them in place or even have pull-up pant style diapers. However, these are preferable when your baby is slightly older and is standing upon his/her own.

Cloth Diapers

Cloth Diapers are an excellent eco-friendly option; however, they can be messy and cumbersome to maintain. Firstly, you need to change them after every use. If you are using cloth diapers, you need to be prepared that your sheets and bedding, etc. may also get spoilt and need frequent washing. You can also use cloth diapers with inserts. Cloth diapers can also be made from cotton or bamboo. Bamboo fabric is a man-made fabric created from natural materials. The fabric that is created is very absorbent and soft. This makes it ideal for cloth nappies. As the fabric is so absorbent, it means that it does take longer than cotton to dry. Cloth diapers are an economical option, and they are also reusable and can be used multiple times.

They also help to prevent nappy rashes, since they allow easy circulation of air. Since they are not elasticated, they do not restrict blood flow for the baby. While earlier, cloth diapers meant a square piece of cloth that was folded into a triangle and fastened on the baby; these days, cloth diapers have come a long way. You can get pre-stitched cloth diapers with Velcro attachments or hooks or loops etc. These pant style cloth diapers are easily available online in a number of cute prints for your little one, and some brands even give matching T-shirts with these diapers to make them a matching set. You can easily place your inserts, for added absorbency, into these cloth diapers. Superbottoms, Liltoes, Baby Bucket are some of the popular brands and are easily available online.

Being a new mother is not easy, and you will second-guess your choices a million times, but no choice is the wrong choice. so be it a bamboo, cloth or cotton diapers you should always go with your instinct and see what works best for your baby.

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