7 Tips to Develop Public Speaking skills in Kids at an Early age

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Have you ever noticed how your child can’t maintain eye contact while talking to people or he doesn’t showcase great confidence in front of a bunch of people? This could be because he is anxious or shy about speaking up! This may not seem like a big problem at the moment when your child is so young, but many adults have a fear of public speaking or stage fright only because they didn’t overcome this fear as a child. Public speaking is a difficult part, but it can be learned, and if you introduce public speaking to your child at an early age, he will have the benefit of extensive practice, training, and learning. No matter what career a person chooses, he cannot succeed without good public speaking skills. After all, success in all aspects of life comes to those who can express themselves! The benefits of public speaking skills are endless. Let’s talk about some tips on how we can instill this art in our children!

  1. Communication is the key!

Talk, talk, and talk! Take some time off and talk to your child as much as you can. The best way to make your child speak up is by asking them about their day when they are back from school. He will try to explain to you; he will tell you stories, he will tell you about his friends, his teachers, and much more. Make it a habit to have a conversation with your child when he is back from school!

  1. “Can you please order for me?”

Whenever you go to a restaurant, you don’t order. Ask your child to order the food for you and himself. It will give him the opportunity to speak to the person taking orders, which will help him build confidence, improve his communication skills, and will give him a sense of accomplishment! Start the learning curve young!

  1. Read aloud!

To speak well, the child needs to read well! Start developing a habit to read for your child. It is hard to make your child sit in one place and make them read. So, you can start with fun little stories that you can read out to them. And read ALOUD and make them read aloud too. Make your child stand straight, hold the storybook, and ask them to read aloud. Do it with them, practice it every day, and you will notice the difference!

  1. Positive feedbacks go a long way!

Motivate your child by giving him positive feedback every time he speaks up in front of anyone or tells you a story. Use powerful and encouraging words like “you did amazing,” “you were so great up there”, “I’m so proud of you,” “wonderful job.” Encourage them to keep going and learn naturally!

  1. Listen patiently!

Whenever your child is speaking, narrating an incident, reading a story, or talking, listen to them and don’t try to interrupt them in between or correct them while they are speaking. Wait until they are finished, and then give some constructive criticism along with positive feedback! For instance, “you did an awesome job, you just need to maintain a little more eye contact with the audience, and you delivered the whole thing so beautifully.” Always end it with something positive; it will encourage them to keep practicing!

  1. Impromptu games!

Children learn better when they are having fun! Play spontaneous speaking games with your child that are entertaining and insightful! The biggest fear in public speaking is when we have to go up and speak in front of people. We worry that we will fumble or someone will interrupt us, or we won’t know what to say. Impromptu games help get rid of this fear! Start off easy to build confidence. Like, take an object, say, a bottle or a pen. Give the object to your child, give him some time to prepare, and then ask him to talk about it. He will get over that fear of knowing what to say when a topic is given on the spot!

  1. Use video!

Children in this tech-savvy world are majorly hooked on YouTube! They see all kinds of videos: informational, recreational, and cultural! Try to make some of your videos with your child to make him comfortable in front of the camera. Make them watch the video, make it a fun activity, and their confidence is going to cultivate! Don’t pressurize or scare off the kid. Public speaking is a skill that comes with time and practice. He will get better it for sure! Make sure to practice this on a regular basis with your kid; it will be extremely beneficial for them as an adult!   Also Read: Online Education is not Cool- Says Survey!!    

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