Ahana In Wonderland : Story of Ahana Mohunta the youngest Story teller and Book Reviewer

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Stories; the gift of a writer’s imaginative wander weaved by bits of his inner emotions and outward scrutiny. These neatly interwoven masterpieces have been out in the world for eons, and they continue to incept parallel worlds within our minds that enthrall, gladden, upset, worry, scare, guilt us, and truly make us ‘Alices’ of our own ‘Wonderlands.’

We have all read them in books since an early age, we have seen them on television, we have all heard them from tellers, but we have not gotten tired of them tingling our mind’s eye. Children are most fascinated by stories; their young and curious minds are hypnotized by the vivid and varying elements of a fable that takes them to their happy place.

From an early age, doting parents read out stories aloud to their children as beneficial for them. It boosts speaking and listening skills, encourages learning, and creates time for bonding. But a certain 5-year-old is turning the tables when it comes to storytelling. Rather than listening to stories from her parents, this adorable kid has donned the storyteller hat and is taking the Instagram world by storm. Her cutest storytelling style and sweetest book reviews have mesmerized the web audience, and they can’t seem to keep their eyes off this little messenger. Enter, arguably the youngest storyteller in the world, Ahana Mohunta.


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Ahana has covered many kids’ storybooks on her Instagram page, and her YouTube channel is ranging from ‘The Smartest Giant in Town,’ ‘How to Grow a Friend,’ ‘Being a Princess,’ ‘Zayn & Zoey’ and ‘I Don’t Want to Be Quiet’ to name a few. What makes Ahana unique is the fact that she reads off stories in the manner in which she reads them out. Firstly, her 5-year-old voice is music to everybody’s ears; she has the sweetest voice, which immediately hooks you to her reading. The adorability quotient of this paradox of a child reading out stories to the entire world is magnified with her childish reading style, i.e., the unconscious pauses between lines, the cute gasping for breath after a long sentence. Her eyes light up when she narrates words out of her books and is only accentuated by her cute cream-colored frames.

She adds a lot of excitement in her review and narration, which the viewer instantly feels and maintains till the end. Mommy dearest is present in all her videos working as a happy assistant in her storytelling and spurring her on in her narrative journey. Her obvious talent has also reaped her rewards like winning many storytelling competitions, the latest one being the first prize at ‘Read-A-Thon’ organized by Skill Tree on the occasion of ‘World Read Aloud Day 2021.’ She has featured on the Instagram handle of popular kids’ newspaper Nerdy Bugs after reviewing their October edition and recommended it to all. Her unique interpretational skills have raked in recognition not only from her homeland but from abroad, with award-winning illustrator Summer Macon recognized her contribution on Instagram for reviewing one of her pieces, ‘ABC of Kindness.’ She added another feather in her cap when popular author and storyteller Rachel Bright sent her a long note of appreciation for reading her book ‘The Lion Inside’ and encouraged her constantly to keep reading and dreaming.

Ahana continues her narrative journey even today, with her latest exploit being taking up a reading challenge where she will complete a list of 15 varied story themes. This cute storyteller has paved her way into the hearts of her avid listeners. They always wait in anticipation of the following attractive little story experience that would make their day!

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