Things to keep in mind if you are introducing your Child to Open-Ended Play

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Open-ended toys don’t have one single way to play with them. It can be played in various ways. So, your child is going to invest a lot of time and energy while playing. These toys can be expensive as they are sustainably sourced but think of them as a long-term investment. You will get a lot of benefits out of them, and they will last for a long time. Open-ended toys grow with your child, so we would suggest don’t compromise with the quality, go for the best stuff.

What can you do as a parent to encourage more open-ended play or keep him motivated and fueled with energy and creativity to play?

Here are some points that you should know that will help achieve the most out of your kid’s playtime.

Read More: What-are-open-ended-toys-and-how-does-open-ended-play-benefit-your-child

1. Let your Child take the Lead.

As parents, we need to learn to back off and let our children be the leader of their playtime. You can’t provide a scripted guide to them or control how they play. It’s important to give your child time to play with himself or other children. When there is no organized way or the right way to play with something, that is when the child uses his imagination. Kids work out their fears and confusions through play, you can sit and observe or just follow their lead. Don’t tell them what to do.

2. Resist the urge of cleaning up the Place

Open-ended play can become messy, especially when the child is playing with water or paints. We all want our place to be neat and tidy all the time, but there is no need to run around and keep cleaning when your child is playing, this may interrupt their train of thought. Let them explore, have fun, and be a part of their environment. Leave the clean-up for the end.

3.Let your Child ask for Help.

If your child is making a mistake or not doing something in a certain way, let him be. Don’t offer help unless they ask you to. If you keep telling them how to do a certain thing, they will not use their imagination and will start relying on you for solutions. Let them ask for help or ask them if they need your help rather than stepping in and fixing the problem.

4.Help Them Solve the Problem.

If your child does need any help, help them work through the problem together instead of just handing them the solution or fixing the problem. Ask them what the next step should be. This helps build problem-solving skills at an early age.

Read More: 10-new-local-open-ended-toy-brands-in-india

5.Practice Toy Rotation

Children get disinterested in things easily. Don’t give them all the toys together. Start with a few and if you notice that he’s not enjoying it anymore or getting bored, give him another set of the game. This doesn’t mean that you have to buy a new toy every time. Just give him the toys he has not seen in a while. It will keep things fresh and will spark new challenges. Encourage open-ended play in your homes. You will be truly stunned at the things your little ones imagine in their little heads. Let them lead with their imagination and creativity. Support them and help them if they need you. Just let them know that you are there for them if they face any problems. You will see the benefits for yourself. And don’t worry if your child is not immediately into it. The age they get interested in varies widely, so give me time to explore.

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