Jackfruit- The Forbidden Fruit

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Breast-feeding is considered to be an essential part of motherhood. It is a bonding exercise between the baby and the mother. But along with breastfeeding come to a lot of restrictions on what you should and should not eat since everything you consume is passed down to the baby. It is very important that you consume a healthy and nutritious diet, which can benefit you and the baby both. While you are pregnant and just after you have delivered, you will hear many do’s and don’ts. Everybody will want to offer advice and share their own experience with you regarding what you should eat and should not eat and many other things. You will hear from many people that you should not consume jackfruit, while you are breastfeeding. But why is that? Is jackfruit actually harmful to your baby, or is it a myth?

What is Jackfruit?

Jackfruit is very popular in the Southwestern parts of India. It is a big and heavy fruit with a prickly skin and can be eaten as is, after removing the outer skin, or can be added to sweet and savory dishes. It is highly nutritious and contains a number of essential vitamins and minerals. It is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C and also has a large amount of magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Jackfruit is also an excellent source of protein and has 3 grams of protein per cup, which is higher than other fruits such as apples and mangoes etc. Apart from this, jackfruit is also rich in antioxidants. Taste-wise, jackfruit has a sweet and subtle fruity flavor and tastes like a combination of fruits such as pineapples, apples, mangoes, and bananas. Benefits of Jackfruit for the Pregnant/ Lactating Mother –  Jackfruit is high in fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. – It is also an excellent source of carbohydrates, which are required for growth. – Jackfruit is also high in fructose and sucrose, becoming an excellent source of energy for the new mother. – Jackfruit also helps to fight against water retention. – It helps boosts immunity. – It is rich in iron. – Jackfruit is also low in sodium, making it an excellent snack for the breast-feeding mother.

Can Jackfruit Harm your Baby?

Now we come to the most important question. Jackfruit has too many benefits for it to be ignored completely in your diet. Like any other food, have it in moderation. Eat it as you would any other food, and don’t binge on it. All of its numerous health benefits will also get passed on to your baby while feeding. Jackfruit may alter the taste of the breast milk by a bit, and if your baby doesn’t like it, you can stop consuming it.

Also, you need to be watchful and see if your baby feels uncomfortable due to any gastric reaction after you have consumed jackfruit, which you would do for any other food too. Consume it in small quantities, along with your other food. There is no reason that you and your baby should be devoid of the benefits of this wonderful fruit.

How to Consume Jackfruit?

You can eat the flesh of the jackfruit as it, or you can create a number of sweet and savory dishes from it. Jackfruit can be used in a number of desserts, such as puddings, and ice creams, etc. It can also be added to savory dishes such as curries. The seeds can be consumed after cooking. So enjoy this fruit in any way you wish, and also, consume a lot of water with it to help you gain maximum benefit.

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