Digital Parenting and Online Literacy-What to be prepared of while raising kids in 21st Century

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A generation ago, “parenting” wasn’t even a word.

In fact, it’s a term that’s only just beginning to creep into our vocabulary. Most of us know that it involves somehow nurturing our kids around their use of technology. But exactly how we are meant to do that remains a bit fuzzy. Digital parenting describes parental efforts and practices for comprehending, supporting, and regulating children’s activities in digital environments but to understand this better we have a LIVE Session for all the parents no matter how old your child is as it’s a concept that all parents should now be well versed with.

Meet Amitabh Kumar is a Founder of Social Media Matters to learn about Digital Parenting, Online Safety, Digital Literacy in times of COVID 19.

Understand :

• What is Digital Parenting, Online Safety, Digital Literacy – Can you help us understand these terms

• Why is it important for Parents today to understand the concept of Digital Parenting

• What are the threats for kids in the online space and why is there a need for monitors

• Is it that parents of teenagers need to be worried……are the younger kids impacted and should be monitored if yes how

• If we can’t control the usage how do we ensure that kids are safe

• Tips for Parents in raising kids in the 21st century

• Parental control apps

Amitabh Kumar is a Founder of Social Media Matters and Wranga has extensively worked on resolving online safety issues with platforms like Facebook and Twitter and also acts as an advisor to them concerning the online safety of the users.

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