New Year Resolutions don’t work when these 5 reasons are at Work!

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We’re almost recovering from the nightmare of 2020’s happenings and evidently, not many of us have any hopes for the coming year. 2020 has been kind of an exception, but other than that, the start of every year is filled with hope and enthusiasm. We all want to accomplish goals, change something in our lives for the better and therefore, we create resolutions. Something like: “My New Year resolution is to help all my friends gain ten pounds so I look skinnier.” Or “My New Year Resolutions was to read more so I put the subtitles on my TV.” No offense, these are only jokes. But let’s face it- we’ve all been in that place where we ambitiously set goals and “resolutions” for ourselves and one week in, everything goes downhill. Relatable? Me too! If you haven’t asked why, and you’re determined to make those New Year resolutions last until December 2021, then read on. Here are some reasons I could discover why our new year resolutions don’t get through until the end of the year.

You don’t want it strong enough:

Let’s say that your goal is to develop a healthier meal planning agenda for your family. You’ve been struggling with eating out, not having time to cook, imbalance of nutrients, poor storage of groceries, and other issues. But somehow, when it’s time to sit down and chalk out your ideas and learn how to do this, you find that you would like to scroll through Facebook rather than working on this new goal. There will be distractions and difficulties. They don’t magically disappear in the New Year, and you must learn to fight with them. If you want something, then it is up to you to make it your topmost priority and work for it- even if you might not like it.

You don’t know why:

The many small goals that we set during the year eventually tie into the main goals and aspirations we have. The main goal of your life, pretty much, is to have a fulfilled life and be a person who is continually growing and developing into a better person. If you’re not aware of this and can’t see the big picture, you will not give your best at the smaller aspects of your goals. Know why exactly you are doing something. When you have the big picture in your head, it will be easier to push through days that are not so easy.

You’re not willing to feel the pain of discipline

One reason why you can’t accomplish what you decide to is that you’re afraid to feel pain. There is a pain when you don’t touch your phone because you have exams. There is pain when you decide to eat grains and pulses instead of heavy fats and carbs. There is a pain when you have to start working out, wake up early, or give up your negative mindset. If you’re afraid of the pain of discipline, you will have to face the pain of regret. Don’t get scared of pain. Face it. Overcome it, and you will see yourself getting ahead of your New Year resolutions.

Your goals are unrealistic:

I cannot stress this enough. How can you party on the 31st of December and wake up at 5:00 AM on January 1st? No, no. It is not happening. Just because the year is new doesn’t mean you magically transform and start fresh. You need to be realistic about your goals. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t have that body in just one month or that perfect diet by the time it’s March. It will take time. Calculate your goals and keep them realistic. Don’t fool yourself.

You’ve set more than 2-3 goals.

Doing too many things at a time is not directly proportional to how productive you are. Our Brains lose energy when we keep switching from task to task, landing nowhere, and wasting time and effort. Instead, keep one goal or two at the most. Focus on it more than anything else, and you will grow faster in that field than if you were to take up multiple things at once. The New Year is definitely coming with new hopes and expectations. We all want to become better people, and this is a perfect time to get started. But don’t fool yourself while you make your list of New Year resolutions. Send this to someone who will achieve big things in 2021.

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