Benefits of Infant Massage: How to Gently Massage Your Baby
A gentle touch reinforces love, safety, and trust between parent and child, making infant massage a wonderful way to enhance bonding between parents and babies, while providing num

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Sleep Regression in Babies: Causes and How To Handle?
“For the past few weeks, my baby hasn’t been following his usual sleeping routine and keeps waking up multiple times at night. Is this worrisome? What’s the reaso

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What is Baby-Lead Weaning?
Baby-led weaning means letting babies eat finger foods by themselves, right from the start i:e at about 6 to 7months of age. It enables your baby to be in control of how much and w

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Baby Growth Milestones and Common Signs of Delay in Baby Growth
From holding your little angel in your arms for the first time to hearing the first ‘mama,’ parenting is a journey full of emotions and joy. The newborn grows at a rapi

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Why Are Cognitive Skills Important For Children?
Cognitive skills include the capability to think, reflect, explore, perceive, and understand. For our kids, cognitive skill set development is the growth of knowledge, understandin

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Signs That Your Baby Is Ready To Walk Plus How To Encourage Him
One can barely be patient to witness their little munchkin take their first steps. After all, it is not only a big deal but also a significant milestone in a baby’s developme

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Leaving your little one behind is not at all Easy!
Leaving your little one behind is not at all easy, and it’s incredibly brutal if he screeches and holds on to you whenever you try to leave. But separation anxiety is a stand

Awaken the Genius in your Child with Left Brain and Right Brain Development
The joy and stress of lives – our children come in all types. Some kids grow up to be good athletes, some good musicians, some may be great at writing, you never really know what