super easy

When you are a mother, it is a given that you will always have a lot on your plate; thus, it can be pretty tough to pay full attention to everyt

super easy

Bedwetting, also termed as nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence, is unintentional urination while asleep, at an age where staying dry at

super easy

Constipation means erratic bowel movements, generally lesser than three in a week. In most cases, constipation in children is a short phase and

super easy

There’s a saying that says, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” This would be the philosophy of every parent who want

Kids Home Remedies Blog

Children falling sick quite frequently is a worry for every mother. Restless and sleepless nights, missing school, irritability, anxious, and clinging nature – worries about children and child care never seems to end. Also, antibiotics are prescribed for most kids repeatedly that could lead to unwanted and far-reaching consequences. We ideally should look for home remedies to improve the immunity of our kids. Also, healthy and best meal plans, healthy lifestyle tips, and so on must be given a lot of importance. We can mostly cure their ailments with simple and basic home remedies. At MommyWize, we have a dedicated space that brings to you the most sought-after and well-researched home remedies for basic ailments, such as constipation, dry cough, cold for kids, stomach pain, mouth ulcers, mouth thrush, tongue cut, and so on (straight from our grandmother’s kitchen!). Reach out and go through our kids home remedies blog. However, we always advise that even though our treatments are effective, it is safe to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist. [show_more more=’Show More” less=”Show Less”]

How to Increase Immunity in Kids

Childhood is the most beautiful stage in life. It is the period when a child experiences the thrill and wonder of learning new things. When a child is in the best health, he/she will be able to completely enjoy all the wonderful adventures that life can offer. Good health makes learning great fun. However, contact with and exposure to other kids at school and at play can lead to a child falling ill quite often. Some children flourish on the added stimulus, while others always seem to pick up each and every bug and virus that is going around. Due to this, school days and exciting activities are missed due to sickness-related absences. At MommyWize we have addressed these issues by curating a complete guide Home Treatments for toddlers. We have all the information related to basic illnesses that can be easily cured at home without any interference of medicines and antibiotics.

Boosting Immunity and Treating Basic Illnesses

Childhood is the most beautiful stage in life. It is the period when a child experiences the thrill and wonder of learning new things. When a child is in the best health, he/she will be able to completely enjoy all the wonderful adventures that life can offer. Good health makes learning great fun. However, contact with and exposure to other kids at school and at play can lead to a child falling ill quite often. Some children flourish on the added stimulus, while others always seem to pick up each and every bug and virus that is going around. Due to this, school days and exciting activities are missed due to sickness-related absences. At MommyWize we have addressed these issues by curating a complete guide Home Treatments for toddlers. We have all the information related to basic illnesses that can be easily cured at home without any interference of medicines and antibiotics.

Boosting Immunity and Treating Basic Illnesses

Children are exposed to all kinds of viruses and germs daily. And with the pandemic still looming around, it is vital to ensure that your child’s immune system is well taken care of. No child is born with an immune system – the immune system of a child develops as the child grows. Although the best way to improve and boost a child’s immunity is by letting them fight off minor flu and colds on their own, our job as parents is to do whatever it may take to ensure that our child’s immunity is in its best form. We at MommyWize, have curated content with the help of child care experts and mothers to help you with tips and recommendations to boost and take care of your child’s immunity. Visit our our kids home remedies blog to know more.

Home Remedies are the Best

Our platform believes in natural and holistic treatment for basic ailments for kids. Visit us and we will hand over a complete guide home treatments for toddlers. You now need not have to worry about rushing to a doctor with your child for simple illnesses.
