Child Psychology: How to deal with a strong willed Child

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A child who gets his/her way to do things and is stubborn is said to be strong-willed. Child psychology does often caused because of several problems in the brain. Parenting them might be a challenge for some. But it is essential to acknowledge it nonetheless. They can argue with you, want to know why they are impatient and make their own rules. Without worrying or yelling, you can give them an explanation. It encourages problem-solving and helps in convincing them.

The issues may include:

1. They demand things in a certain way due to their sensory-motor processing system, making the transition a big issue for them. Occupational therapists are the ones who evaluate this kind of behavior and might be of great help. 2. They may have trouble with the functional integration of the emotion system into the communication system. It locks up their emotions, which makes communicating problems for them. It is when you must try to unlock it by communicating with them. 3. Listen to your children more often because they won’t talk until and unless you don’t listen to them. Keep negotiating. 4. Another approach is to use the minor breach and repair method. Breach their demands and let them struggle and communicate frustration. Have a dialogue in response to their frustration and adjust yourself. 5. Punishments will probably not work with a strong-willed child. Instead, appreciate your child for good behavior and encourage them to keep that up. 6. Sometimes, not having choices or control over their life can lead to sudden outbursts in the strong-willed children, just like the adults. So, the key here is to give them individual choices like food, dresses, etc. Dealing with strong-willed children shouldn’t be seen as trouble. Instead, it should be seen as an opportunity to nurture your relationship and form strong life-long bonds.

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